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Social networking boom triggers privacy worry

2010-07-08 15:04

Social networking sites (SNS) are fast becoming the number one method for many Chinese people to communicate with others, while concerns over individual privacy mounts, according to a report on the development of new media in China issued Wednesday.

The huge number of Chinese SNS users accumulated in the past several years has dramatically helped to increase SNS sites' page views and attracted many business giants to tap into the market, the report issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said, cited by the People's Daily.

The fast development of SNS sites, however, has also posed a threat to individual privacy infringement and the exposure of business, political and military secrets, the report said.

Companies can not only gather users' personal information including phone numbers and MSN accounts on the SNS sites, but can also figure out the users' propensity to consume and family and work status through analyzing the information.

The report said profiting from users' personal information which was gained by cheating has become an important source of income for SNS sites.

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