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China to donate $1.5 m to flood-stricken Thailand

2010-11-11 09:16

BANGKOK - Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo announced here Wednesday that China will provide 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) in cash aid to flood-hit Thailand.

"China decided to offer Thailand a humanitarian emergency aid worth 10 million yuan and stood ready to provide other help,"Wu said in a meeting with Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

At least 181 people in Thailand were killed in nationwide floods that hace stricken the country since October 10.

"We are convinced that Thai people, under the leadership of Thai government, would definitely overcome disasters," said Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature.

Abhisit thanked the Chinese government and people for offering generous support to disaster-devastated Thailand.

Wu arrived in Bangkok Wednesday afternoon for an official visit to Thailand as the guest of the President of the National Assembly of Thailand Chai Chidchob.

"My visit here is aimed at seeking bolstering friendly China-Thailand relations to a new high," Wu told Abhisit.

Wu appreciated Thai royal family, government and parliament's adherence to the one-China policy and their support for China on issues concerning Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

To consolidate bilateral ties, Wu proposed the two countries maintain high-ranking officials' exchanges of visits and deepen political trust.

As?a free trade agreement between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) took effect at the start of this year, Wu said the two countries should make best of the free trade area and expand cooperation in traditional fields of trade, agriculture and tourism.

"Priority should be given to cooperation in infrastructure, new energy, high-technology, particularly in investment, big projects and businesses," Wu said.

Wu also called for closer people-to-people ties between the two countries, particularly the exchanges between young people.

On the international front, Wu urged the two countries to increase collaboration on international and regional issues and promote China-ASEAN ties.

Wu underscored China's commitment to developing ties with ASEAN and supporting ASEAN's integration. As Thailand played an irreplaceable role in boosting China-ASEAN ties, Wu called on Thailand to play out its influence and advance China-ASEAN ties.

Abhisit reviewed the traditional ties between the two countries, saying China's development and prosperity helped bring out the vigor and vitality of regional economy.

It was the shared aspiration of Thai royal family, government, parliament and people to seek closer bonds with China, Abhisit said.

Abhisit echoed Wu's proposal on building stronger ties, calling for substantive cooperation in trade, investment, tourism and infrastructure construction.

He pledged Thailand would make efforts to boost strategic ties between ASEAN and China.

Following their meeting, Wu and Abhisit witnessed the signing of about $2-billion economic deals covering investment, rail transportation, machinery manufacturing, telecommunications and industrial parks.

During his four-day stay in the country, Wu will meet with parliamentary leaders and attend the ground-laying ceremony for a China culture center in Bangkok.

Thailand is the last leg of Wu's three-nation Southeast Asia visit, which had taken him to Cambodia and Indonesia.

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