Female Muslim migrants have to pass language test
UK prime minister said Muslim women must improve their English to better integrate into British society, and suggested some migrants could be deported if they fail to speak the language.
Arguing that community cohesion is the best antidote to extremism, Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday pledged to fund English language classes for female migrants. The $28.5-million fund will help tens of thousands of women facing social isolation and discrimination and emphasize that Britain has expectations for those who want to live in the country, Cameron said.
"At the moment, someone can move here with very basic English and there's no requirement to improve it over time. We will change that," Cameron said in a commentary in the Times.
"We will now say: if you don't improve your fluency, that could affect your ability to stay in the UK. This will help make it clear to those men who stop their partners from integrating that there are consequences."
Muslim groups reacted sharply to the proposal, describing the plan as a blunt instrument leveled at their expense and focusing on the extremist minority rather than the peaceful majority.
It is estimated about 190,000 Muslim women in England speak little English.
Being singled out
Muslim groups protested that they were being singled out.
"The best way to confront (terrorism) it is to build support within Muslims and support the work done across the country, and not lashing out and denigrating Muslims," said Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation.
"The irony of the prime minister calling for more resources to help migrants learn English when his government cut the funding for English classes in 2011 has not been lost on many people."
AP - Reuters