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  Friends 3 《老友記》3(精講之五)
[ 2006-04-27 09:43 ]




Margha: The game is over. We eat now?

Chandler: No-no-no-no, the game's not over, we're just switching teams.

Joey: Yeah, Chandler finds me so intimidating that it's better if we're on the same team.

Ross: Right. Okay, let's play. Let's go.

Chandler: No ah, hold on a second Joe, where do Dutch people come from?

Joey: Ah well, the ah, Pennsylvania Dutch, come from Pennsylvania.

Chandler: And the other ah, Dutch people, they come from somewhere near the Netherlands, right?

Joey: Nice try. See the Netherlands is this make-believe place where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell come from.

Margha: Oh, my!

Ross: Enough with geography for the insane, okay? Let's play some ball, guys.

Joey: Whoa, whoa, no, no, I-I'm not playing with this guy, now.

Chandler: Fine with me .

Ross: Okay, y'know what, let's just cut to the chase here. Okay? Heidi, which of my boys do you like?

Chandler and Joey: What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?

Margha: Which do I like? 

Ross: Yeah, y'know for dating, general merriment, taking back to your windmill...

Margha: Well, if I had to choose right now, which by the way I find really weird, I would have to say, Chandler.

Chandler: Yes!!

Joey: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! She obviously didn't understand the question.

Chandler: Well, why don't you have Captain Hook explain it to her.

Margha: I'm sorry, Joey, that is my chose.

Chandler: You hear that! That is her chose, mister I'll let you have her! I win! You suck! I rule all! A mini-wave in celebration of me!!

Margha: I'm now thinking I would like to change my answer to, no one.

Chandler: Wh-what?

Margha: I now find you shallow and um, a dork. All right, bye.


1. hold on a second:英文中表示“等一下”的用法,此外還有wait a minute,hang on a second等等。比如早晨急急忙忙出門時(shí)經(jīng)??梢月牭健癏old on a minute! I'll just get my coat.”。

2. make-believe place:這里指的是虛構(gòu)出來的地方。Joey很明顯不知道the Netherlands荷蘭在哪里,還以為說的是小時(shí)候看的童話世界Neverland夢幻島。下文里出現(xiàn)的Peter Pan彼得潘,Tinker Bell小仙女,還有Captain Hook虎克船長都是Finding Neverland里的人物。

3. Oh, my!感嘆的方式有很多,通常把Oh my God掛在嘴邊的人反而不一定篤信上帝,很多人會(huì)選用“gosh”,“Oh boy!”,“Oh man!”,“Oh dear!”,“Holy cow!”等等別的方式來感嘆。注意God表示上帝時(shí)一定不要加the或者后面加s。

4. Fine with me:我無所謂! 我沒問題!或者說Fine by me!別人約你吃飯啊,打球啊,看電影什么的,你說“沒問題都行”就是“That will be fine with me.”。吵架的時(shí)候別人故意氣你,這時(shí)候也可以說fine with me,意思是“你愛怎么著怎么著,我才無所謂呢?!?

5. cut to the chase:這個(gè)短語非常好用,表示“開門見山,直奔主題,言歸正傳”。通常說完這句就意味直接處理最要緊的問題,別廢話。在學(xué)習(xí)口語的過程中同學(xué)們將會(huì)遇到很多的習(xí)慣表達(dá)、俚語和諺語,它們有一個(gè)共同的特點(diǎn),就是容易記憶,同時(shí)也容易遺忘,所以要想積累就必須有意識(shí)的多使用這些表達(dá)方式。


Pennsylvania Dutch

Pennsylvania Dutch, the name commonly but incorrectly applied to German immigrants and their descendants who settled in SE. Pennsylvania. The immigrants weren't from the Netherlands, but they were called"Dutch" by other colonists, who mispronounced German word Deutsch, meaning "German." The name Pennsylvania Dutch is also applied to their language and culture.

The Pennsylvania Dutch came to the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries, mostly from a region of southern Germany known as the Palatinate. They were attracted to Pennsylvania because of its religious tolerance. The first settlers were the Mennonites, who founded Germantown (now part of Philadelphia) in 1683.

Other religious groups followed these early settlers to Pennsylvania, including Amish, Dunkards, Lutherans, and Moravians. By 1790 the Pennsylvania Dutch constituted about one-third of Pennsylvania's population. The German settlers devoted themselves mainly to farming, but they were also skillful cabinetmakers, potters, and wagon builders.

Pennsylvania Dutch Watercolor

The Pennsylvania Dutch still practice many of their traditions, including their language, which is a blend of several German dialects. The family is still the main social and economic unit, with the church next in importance. Traditional groups, such as the Amish and some Mennonites, dress in plain black or brown homespun clothing that has led to their being called the Plain People. These groups have resisted such modern conveniences as automobiles, televisions, and telephones.

The Pennsylvania Dutch are known for their hard work, thrift, and orderliness-qualities reflected in their well-tended farms. Many of these farms feature a large red barn decorated with multicolored, geometric patterns known as hex signs. Hearts, tulips, and geometric patterns also decorate Pennsylvania Dutch quilts, furniture, pottery, and other items.




《肖申克的救贖》里有一句話:Busy for living, or busy for dying. 我們到底屬于哪一類?當(dāng)我們已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了人與人之間的冷漠或者干脆是不信任;當(dāng)我們習(xí)慣了為了某種利益驅(qū)使或斤斤計(jì)較而設(shè)計(jì)出的虛假的人際關(guān)系;當(dāng)我們習(xí)慣了遞上一百元大鈔,對方對著陽光照啊照,然后找回伍十元,我們也是對著陽光照啊照的日子時(shí),我們要不要問問自己,生活的真諦是什么?



讀完了我們對于Pennsylvania Dutch的這段介紹,假設(shè)現(xiàn)在有這樣一個(gè)場景:你和一個(gè)美國朋友要共同記錄某份文件,你毫不猶豫的拿起紙和筆,而對面那個(gè)美國人卻攤開他的筆記本電腦,并且一臉壞笑形容你是Amish boy, 請問他是什么意思?

