開心天天樂 [ 2006-05-25 10:52 ]
1. light up with pleasure 喜笑顏開
His face lit up with pleasure when she came in. 當(dāng)她進(jìn)來時,他馬上喜笑顏開。
2. be extremely delighted 歡天喜地
The children are extremely delighted when Christmas comes.
3. be wild with joy 驚喜若狂
The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the final
goal. 當(dāng)他投入最后一球得分時,人們驚喜若狂。
4. be ecstatic欣喜若狂
We were ecstatic to be together again. 能重新相聚,我們真是欣喜若狂。
5. be exuberant 無比開心
The children could not have been any more exuberant at the birthday
party. 孩子們在生日聚會上真是無比開心。
6. wear a happy expression面帶笑容
He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really
worried. 即使他很擔(dān)心,他也總是面帶笑容。
7. look cheerful 面帶喜色
You look cheerful today. What's the good news? 你今天看上去很高興。有什么好事?
(例句來源:hao360.com 英語點(diǎn)津Annabel編輯)