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My best friend's wedding 《我最好朋友的婚禮》(精講之五)
[ 2006-08-30 10:55 ]




文化面面觀 美式婚禮詳解


Julianne: Kimmy! Kimmy! Kimmy! I knew you're in here. The guard saw you come in!

Kimmy: Just leave me alone, you bitch!

Julianne: Kimmy.

Kimmy: Who the hell do you think you are?

Woman: Catfight !

Kimmy: You came here pretending to by my friend! And I made you my maid of honor !

Julianne: Who asked you to do that? You knew me what, eight minutes?

Kimmy: Michael trusted you, so I trusted you. 

Julianne: You wanted to keep me close. You didn't trust me for a second.

Kimmy: I was right.

Julianne: Of course. You were right. But that's not my fault!

Kimmy: You kissed him! At my parents' house!

All: That's cold.

Kimmy: On my wedding day!

All: Bitch. Tramp .

Julianne: I...

Kimmy: Shut up! Now I love this man, and there is no way that I'm gonna give him up to some two-faced , big-haired food critic.

Julianne: All right. All right. Okay. All right. I kissed him. I tried to steal him. I lost. He doesn't love me. He loves you. Kimmy, I haven't done much that I'm proud of the last three days. I'd like to take you to the church, so you can walk down that aisle and marry the man of our dreams, 'cause he sure wants to marry you.


1. Catfight


2. Maid of honor

這可是個大家都需要知道的詞,她在婚禮中扮演著非常重要的角色,是誰呢?不是新娘(bride),而是一直支持著新娘的 “伴娘”。除了伴娘之外,還有一個重要的人物--伴郎(best man)。想要了解更多嗎?來看談情說愛英語系列 吧!

3. Tramp


4. Two-faced

從表面上來看,two-faced指的是兩張臉,當我們形容一個人說 He's such a two-faced guy. 時,就是說這個人“兩面三刀”。
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