Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6 1 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? cul8r See you at 8 o'clock Looking forward to seeing you soon See you soon See you later The possible answers were:See you at 8 o'clockLooking forward to seeing you soonSee you soonSee you later You said: See you at 8 o'clock Looking forward to seeing you soon See you soon See you later 正確。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 'l8r' 念成一個單詞。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 'l8r' 念成一個單詞。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 'l8r' 念成一個單詞。 你沒有選擇任何答案。 2 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? cu2nite See you later See you tonight See you soon See you at 2 o'clock The possible answers were:See you laterSee you tonightSee you soonSee you at 2 o'clock You said: See you later See you tonight See you soon See you at 2 o'clock 正確。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 '2nite' 念成一個單詞。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 '2nite' 念成一個單詞。 試試看念字母 C 和 U, 然后把 '2nite' 念成一個單詞。 你沒有選擇任何答案。 3 What emotion does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? :-) angry confused happy sad The possible answers were:angryconfusedhappysad You said: angry confused happy sad 轉(zhuǎn)過頭看看這個符號代表什么面部表情? 正確。 轉(zhuǎn)過頭看看這個符號代表什么面部表情? 轉(zhuǎn)過頭看看這個符號代表什么面部表情? 你沒有選擇任何回答。 4 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? gonna bl8 I'm going to be late I'll be there at 8 o'clock I'll see you soon I love you The possible answers were:I'm going to be lateI'll be there at 8 o'clockI'll see you soonI love you You said: I'm going to be late I'll be there at 8 o'clock I'll see you soon I love you 'Gonna' 的意思是 'going to', 'b' 是 'be' and 'l8' 是 'late' - 你猜到了嗎? 'Gonna' 的意思是 'going to', 'b' 是 'be' and 'l8' 是 'late' - 你猜到了嗎? 正確。 'Gonna' 的意思是 'going to', 'b' 是 'be' and 'l8' 是 'late' - 你猜到了嗎? 你沒有選擇任何回答。 5 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? ru@school? I hate school I failed my exam I'm late for school Are you at school? The possible answers were:I hate schoolI failed my examI'm late for schoolAre you at school? You said: I hate school I failed my exam I'm late for school Are you at school? 正確。 試試分開發(fā)音 'R' and 'U'。 '@' 的意思是 'at'. 試試分開發(fā)音 'R' and 'U'。 '@' 的意思是 'at'. 試試分開發(fā)音 'R' and 'U'。 '@' 的意思是 'at'. 你沒有選擇任何回答。 6 What does the following mobile text (cell phone SMS) abbreviation mean? LOL Laughing out loud I'm crying I'm going to be late I love you lots The possible answers were:Laughing out loudI'm cryingI'm going to be lateI love you lots You said: Laughing out loud I'm crying I'm going to be late I love you lots 再試試,LOL 可能代表什么呢? 再試試,LOL 可能代表什么呢? 正確! LOL 代表 laughing out loud! 再試試,LOL 可能代表什么呢? 你沒有做出任何選擇。 Try Again