帕里斯希爾頓“酒后開車”遭起訴 [ 2006-09-27 10:44 ]
9月26日,希爾頓飯店女繼承人帕里斯·希爾頓因酒醉開車,遭洛杉磯檢察官起訴。9月7日凌晨,社交名媛希爾頓在開車回家途中,由于出現(xiàn)疑似酒駕行為而被警方逮捕。雖然希爾頓指責(zé)警方故意夸大了事件本身,但她確實未通過血液酒精檢測。如果未來法院定酒駕罪名成立,豪門艷女有可能面臨最高六個月的有期徒刑以及一千美元罰款。 希爾頓酒后駕車
為“漢堡”惹火燒身 |
Celebrity socialite Paris Hilton, seen here 25
September 2006, has been charged with drunk driving following her
arrest in Hollywood earlier this month. [AFP]
Celebrity heiress Paris Hilton was charged on Tuesday with
drunk driving, stemming from
an arrest earlier this month she blamed on her rush to get a late-night
Hilton, 25, was charged with two misdemeanor counts:
Driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a blood-alcohol
level above the legal limit of .08, Los Angeles City Attorney's spokesman
Frank Mateljan said.
An initial court appearance was set for Thursday, but Hilton would not
be required to attend, he said.
The charges carry a maximum penalty of six months in county jail and
$1,000 fine, but Mateljan said most first offenders were given
probation and ordered to
attend alcohol counseling.
Hilton was pulled over about 1 a.m. on September 7 by police who said
she was driving erratically.
The star of reality show "The Simple Life" subsequently told a Los
Angeles radio station the incident had been
blown out of proportion but she may have been speeding to
satisfy her craving for a hamburger.
drunk driving: 酒后駕車,也可寫做“DUI”(driving under the
influence of alcohol)
the incident had been blown out of
proportion: 事件被夸大了
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