影片對白 Almost finished, what else
gonna be. Are you gonna dip it in your yogurt, cover it with chocolate
3. Ready in the flashest of the flashes
在理解這句話之前,我們要先看一下flash這個詞,它指的是“閃現(xiàn)”,有一個這樣的短語:flash in the pan,指的是“曇花一現(xiàn)”。由此可以看出
flash有“短暫”的意思。還有一個短語be in the flash,指的是“立刻,馬上”。 in the flashest of the flashes
實際上是一種夸張的說法,但又不失生動,意思就等于in the flash。
4. This is so much more than a bag
so much more than a jerk!
5. The work of the moment
這是在英文中的習慣表達方式,類似的還有the man of the year,the album of the year。The work of the
moment 的意思就是“絕世佳作”,the man of the year 就是“年度風云人物”,the album of the year
Prontissimo is a kind of make-up word, coming from both
Italian and English; sometimes people use it for fun. If we are in a hurry, we
used to say hurry, or be quick please. If we don't wanna be offensive or reveal
our impatience, "prontissimo", with no doubt, could be a good choice.
1. 請問你的禮物需要打上包裝嗎?
Would you like it gift-wrapped?
2. 馬上就好!
Ready in the flashest of the flashes.
3. 天吶!你豈止是天才,你比天才還天才!
Oh my goodness, you're so not a genius, you're much
more than a genius.
Love actually《真愛至上》精講之四 考考你 參考答案
1. 我能用我的鉛筆換你的文具盒嗎?
Can I swap your pencil box for my pencil?
2. 我花了好大的勁才找到我的筆記本。
I had a real search for my note-book.
3. 別到處炫耀了,不就是個手機嘛?
Don't show it around, it just is a
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