八卦成真 布蘭妮提出離婚訴訟 [ 2006-11-08 09:49 ]
洛杉磯郡高等法院今天證實,美國流行小天后布蘭妮已于11月7日以雙方之間存有“不可調和的歧異”為由訴請離婚,希望結束她與凱文·費德林兩年的婚姻生活。布蘭妮和凱文于2004年結婚,育有兩子。她的第一次失敗婚姻是在拉斯維加斯舉行的,閃電結婚后又在婚后55個小時匆匆向法院訴請“婚姻無效”。有趣的是,當初布蘭妮與凱文結婚時,不管是媒體、歌迷還是圈內人士都一致認為這個婚姻很荒唐,婚后時時有媒體爆料兩人感情不和。如今,媒體倒真的“八卦成真”。 |
Britney Spears
and her husband Kevin Federline were married in 2004.
Britney Spears filed for
divorce Tuesday from Kevin Federline, officials said. The
Los Angeles County Superior Court filing cites "irreconcilable
differences," said court spokeswoman Kathy Roberts.
24, married rapper Kevin Federline, 28, in 2004. They have a 1-year-old
son, Sean Preston, and an infant son who was born September 12. The
divorce papers identify the baby as Jayden James Federline.
A message left with Spears' attorney, Laura Wasser, was not immediately
Spears married Federline eight months after ending a 55-hour Las Vegas
marriage to her childhood friend, Jason Alexander. Her second marriage has
provided endless fodder for
tabloids, which have speculated frequently that the union was in trouble.
Calls left for Federline's representatives also were not immediately
The filing comes just a day after Spears, back in shape after the birth
of her second child, made a surprise appearance on David Letterman's "Late
Show" in New York by popping up behind him as he was sitting at his desk.
Federline appeared in the movie "You Got Served" and performed as
a backup dancer for singer
Justin Timberlake, Spears' former boyfriend. He was previously involved
with actress Shar Jackson of TV's "Moesha." Federline and Jackson have two
(Agencies) |
filed for divorce:
fodder: 素材
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