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靚湯婚禮在即 媒體進軍意大利
[ 2006-11-17 09:33 ]




Actor Tom Cruise holds his daughter Suri as he arrives with his fiancee Katie Holmes (L) at a restaurant in Rome November 16, 2006. (Reuters)
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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will likely wed Saturday in a Scientology ceremony held at a 15th-century Italian castle in a lakeside town near Rome, the town's mayor said Thursday.  

The wedding party, along with guests, are then expected to attend a banquet the same day in Rome, Bracciano Mayor Patrizia Riccioni said.

For weeks rumors have focused on Odescalchi Castle in the sleepy town of Bracciano as the likely venue for the celebrity wedding. Riccioni told a news conference Thursday she had met the couple the day before somewhere outside of her town, but she would not say where.

She was coy about other details, too, saying only that she expected the couple to arrive Saturday morning at the castle, which overlooks Lake Bracciano, for what she believed would be a Scientology wedding ceremony, followed by a banquet. She said she expected the couple to return to the Italian capital the same day.

Cruise and Holmes have been staying this week at a luxury hotel near the Spanish Steps in Rome.

"I want to thank Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for choosing this venue for such an important event," Riccioni said.

While she stopped short of confirming the actual date of the wedding, the town's Web site late Thursday had a picture of Cruise and Holmes under the headline, "The wedding of the year in Bracciano, Saturday, 18 November 2006."

In the Italian capital, meanwhile, Cruise and Holmes held a dinner at a small restaurant near the Spanish Steps, drawing several hundred fans and curious people hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars.

The area immediately surrounding Nino restaurant was cordoned off, and private security officials crowded the area.

The restaurant owner's daughter, Francesca Luti, told TG Sky 24 news channel that Cruise was "a regular," and that the evening's menu included some of the actor's favorite dishes - gnocchi, several types of pasta, and ravioli with truffles.

Those spotted going into the restaurant included "Mission Impossible III" director, J.J. Abrams, Brooke Shields and Jennifer Lopez. Lopez's husband, singer Marc Anthony, briefly stepped out to smoke a cigarette.



Scientology: 山達基教,又名科學論派、科學神教,新興宗教之一。山達基教認為人是精神個體,相信精神、心理療法。

coy: 保守,不愿透露(細節(jié))

short of: 沒有(確認實際日期)

cordon off: 封鎖

gnocchi: 意大利湯團

pasta: 意大利面食,如通心粉

ravioli: 意大利小方餃,類似中國的餛飩

: 菌類植物


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  靚湯婚禮在即 媒體進軍意大利


