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[ 2007-02-12 15:54 ]



'Crocodile tears' is a famous western saying meaning insincere sadness used to manipulate someone to the 'crocodile's' advantage. In western legends, crocodiles are not only brutal but also very crafty. When looking at people, animals, fish or some other possible prey, the crocodile will always 'cry' a few tears, as if it bemoans the state of the universe and pities the fate of humankind. But the tears are false, and only serve to lull hapless prey. Some say the crocodile even cries when it eats. The phrase 'crocodile tears' means fake tears or pretended sadness. It is used to mean someone who uses fake tears or false emotion to manipulate others into doing what they want. Interesting? Is the crocodile truly a sad soul? When tested by scientists, crocodile tears contain nectar and a kind of substance similar to farina, secretions that attract butterflies. The more butterflies there are drinking the crocodile's tears, the more tears a crocodile produces.

crafty: 狡猾的

bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of humankind: 悲天憫人

farina: 花粉

(北京航空航天大學通訊員范蓉融供稿 英語點津 Annabel 編輯)

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