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March 31
[ 2007-04-02 09:21 ]

Queen Mary died after having suffered gastric problems for several weeks.
1953: Queen Mary laid to rest in Windsor

England have

Queen Mary has been laid to rest next to her late husband following a funeral service at Windsor Castle.

More than 1,500 mourners, including many royal dignitaries from around the world, attended the service at St George's Chapel in Windsor today.

The former Queen's body was brought by car from London to Windsor in the early hours of this morning.

It had lain-in-state at Westminster Hall from 29 to 30 March during which time nearly 120,000 people filed past her coffin to pay their last respects.

Gastric problems

Princess Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes was born on 26 May 1867 to Prince and Princess Francis of Teck.

The Princess, who was known as May from her earliest days, married Prince George of Wales on 6 July 1893 and became his Queen on 6 May 1910.

The couple, who had six children, reigned until King George's death on 29 January 1936.

Queen Mary died on 24 March at her home, Marlborough House in London, after having suffered gastric problems for several weeks. She was 85.

During the week since her death messages of sympathy have arrived from around the world.

As mourners arrived in Windsor for the funeral this morning hundreds of wreaths and cards of sympathy lay on the lawns outside the castle.

Queen Mary's coffin draped in her banner of arms was brought into St George's chapel for the service by six military pallbearers.

The funeral service, broadcast by the BBC, was conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Francis Fisher.

The Queen, wearing a long black veil, paid her final respects by sprinkling earth three times from a silver bowl onto the coffin as the Archbishop declared her resurrection to eternal life with the words 'Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.'

As she left the catafalque the Queen gave a deep curtsey.

Queen Mary will be laid to rest next to her late husband in the tomb built in St George's Chapel following his death.

Later in the day a memorial service was held at St Paul's Cathedral for members of the public. About 4,000 people attended.

The Queen has declared that official court mourning for Queen Mary will last until 25 April.

The banner used in the 1960s Alermaston marches was tied onto Nelson's Column

1972: CND begins march to Aldermaston

Artificially 1969:
The A crowd of more than 500 people have been attending a rally in London's Trafalgar Square ahead of a four-day demonstration against nuclear arms.

Protesters - singing, blowing horns and carrying banners - were launching the latest leg of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - a 56-mile Easter march from London to Aldermaston, Berkshire.

The black banner carried on the first march to Aldermaston in 1958 was hung around the plinth of Nelson's Column.


CND secretary Dick Nettleton said one of the main reasons for the march was to make people aware the atomic weapons research unit was not being closed down as many mistakenly believed.

He said improving nuclear research and the British bomb made up 81% of the centre's work.

Aldermaston was chosen this year for the march after the government announced proposals to transfer control of the unit from the Atomic Energy Commission to the Ministry of Defence.

This, added Mr Nettleton, had raised fears among scientists they would be subject to different conditions with more sinister aims in research and development.

Demonstrators are hoping the march will recreate some of the fever of earlier marches which saw support from thousands of protesters.

The initial part of the rally will move from central London to Chiswick, and then along the A4 to the nuclear plant.

One of the main challenges will be maintaining morale with the complication of the boroughs of Slough and Reading having declined to make schools and halls available for protesters to sleep in.

The marchers will have to crowd into small halls lent by Quakers groups and trade unions.

Marchers have not yet revealed what they plan to do on their arrival at the plant but police and members of the Atomic Energy Constabulary are making preparations for their arrival.


catafalque: A decorated platform or framework on which a coffin rests in state during a funeral(靈柩車)

plinth : A square base(方型底座)

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