A soldier briefly draped
the statue's face with an American flag. |
2003: Saddam statue topples with
regime |
England have
There have been scenes of jubilation in Baghdad as US tanks rolled into
the very heart of the Iraqi capital, confirming that the government of
Saddam Hussein has been ousted from power.
In the main square in Baghdad, a group of Iraqi men attempted to pull
down a massive statue of Saddam Hussein in an unprecedented show of
contempt for the Iraqi leader.
The metal plaque at the base of the statue was torn off and the
statue's marble plinth attacked with a sledgehammer.
The men scaled the statue to secure a noose around its neck but were
unable to pull it down.
Then US troops joined in, and used an armoured vehicle to gradually
pull down the statue.
Flag controversy
The extraordinary scenes were watched by millions across the world live
on television.
The square is opposite the Palestine Hotel, used as a base by the
world's media during the war in Iraq.
A little before the statue came down, a US soldier climbed up and
draped the face with a US flag.
The crowd did not welcome the move, seeing it as a step too far towards
American triumphalism, and the flag was quickly removed.
A few minutes later, it was replaced by the old Iraqi flag, to roars of
As the statue fell to the ground at last, the crowd surged forward and
jumped on it.
Chanting and jeering, they danced on the fallen effigy , kicking it and hitting it
with their shoes in a symbolic gesture of contempt as it was torn to
They then severed the head, tied chains around it, and dragged it
through the streets.
As news of the events in the square spread, more and more Iraqis
gathered to watch, with women and children joining the crowds of men.
There were similar scenes across the capital, as the many hundreds of
statues and pictures of Saddam Hussein that came to symbolise his regime
were attacked and torn down.
The military campaign will continue, although the US Army has delivered
its most upbeat assessment yet of the gains it is making in Iraq.
"Much of Iraq is free from years of repression," said Brigadier-General
Vincent Brooks, the US Central Command spokesman in Qatar.
"With every day that passes, we are breaking the grip of the regime."