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Little Miss Sunshine《陽光小美女》(精講之二)
[ 2007-05-23 17:22 ]

文化面面觀  Proust scholar VS MacArthur Foundation

思想火花  我們就在舅舅的講述中了解到他的不幸:他做了一連串錯(cuò)誤的選擇,最后連自殺都失敗了……

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Richard: And how Dwayne's utilizing seven of them in his personal quest to self-fulfillment.

Sheryl: Richard, please.

Richard: Well, I'm just saying I've come around. I think he could use our support.

Olive: How did it happen?

Frank: How did what happen?

Olive: Your accident.

Sheryl: Honey, here.

Frank: Oh, no, it's okay. Unless you object.

Sheryl: No, I'm, I'm pro-honesty here. I just think, you know, it's up to you.

Frank: Be my guest.

Sheryl: Olive, um, Uncle Frank didn't really have an accident. What happened was he...tried to kill himself.

Olive: You did? Why?

Richard: I'm sorry. I don't think this is an appropriate conversation. Honey, let's let Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.

Olive: Why did you want to kill yourself?

Richard: No, don't answer the question, Frank.

Sheryl: Richard! Richard!

Richard: He's not gonna answer the question. Frank.

Frank: I wanted to kill myself-

Richard: Don't listen to him.

Frank: I was very unhappy.

Richard: He's sick in his head.

Sheryl: Richard!

Richard: I'm sorry! I don't think it's an appropriate conversation for a seven-year-old.

Sheryl: She's gonna find out anyway.

Richard: Okay.

Sheryl: Go on, Frank.

Olive: Why were you unhappy?

Frank: Um, well, there are a lot of reasons. Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back.

Olive: Who?

Frank: One of my grad students. I was very much in love with him.

Olive: Him? It was a boy? You fell in love with a boy?

Frank: Yes, I did. Very much so.

Olive: That's silly.

Frank: You're right. It was silly. It was very, very silly.

Grandpa: There's another word for it.

Richard: Dad.

Olive: So, that's when you tried to kill yourself?

Frank: Well, no. The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another man- Larry Sugarman.

Sheryl: Who's Larry Sugarman?

Frank: Larry Sugarman is perhaps the second most highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.

Richard: Who's number one?

Frank: That would be me, Rich.

Richard: Really?

Frank: Mm-hmm.

Olive: So that's when.

Frank: No. What happened was I was a bit upset so I said some things that I shouldn't have said and I did some things that I shouldn't have done and subsequently I was fired from my job and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.

Olive: And that's when you tried to-

Frank: Well, no. Actually, all of that was okay. What happened was two days ago the MacArthur Foundation, in its infinite wisdom awarded a genius grant to Larry Sugarman. And that's when I-

Grandpa: Decided to check out early.

Frank: Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.


1. Come around

這里的come around 意思是"change one's opinion, decision etc., esp. to agree with another's",例如:You'd better come around, 'cause your mama's right.

2. Very much so

這個(gè)片語的意思是"to a great degree",例如:
My father did inspire me, very much so.

Several meanings of "so" refer to the truth of something: "It's raining." "That is so." "Captain Picard, we can contact the aliens." "Make it so."

So...we can say "Quite so!" when we hear something we agree with. And if we say, "Very much so," we are simply intensifying our agreement, just as if we were saying, "Very true!"

3. Check out

在這里做俚語用,意思是"to die",Grandpa 這里說的"decided to check out early"意思就是"決定早點(diǎn)死"。

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