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Real English 地道英語
Freeloader 吃白食的人
[ 2007-08-09 13:00 ]

Do you know any freeloaders?


Jo: Welcome to another Real English from BBC Learning English.

Oliver: 大家好,我是 Oliver,地道英語和大家一起學(xué)習(xí)現(xiàn)代英式英語中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的流行詞匯和實用表達。那 Jo,今天給我們帶來的新詞是什么呢?

Jo: Today' word Oliver is freeloader. F.R.E.E.L.O.A.D.E.R. freeloader.

Oliver: 這個詞是什么意思呢?

Jo: Well a freeloader is a person who would be happy to stay at your house, eat your food or spend your money for free – but they would never give you anything back in return.

Oliver: 啊哈,我知道了。這個詞兒指的是非常愿意接受,但是從不想回報的人。Load 的本意是裝載的意思,而 free 就是免費的意思。放在一起就是免費裝載!

Jo: Freeloader. Now do you have a similar word in Chinese Oliver?

Oliver: 有,freeloader 用中文可以說白吃白喝或者吃白食的人。基本上是用在談?wù)撈渌说臅r候,很少當著別人的面這么說。


A: Have you noticed how Mike never buys a drink – we always buy him drinks but he never gets his money out.

B: I know. It gets on my nerves. He' such a freeloader.

Oliver: It' time to say goodbye and go for a cup of tea isn't it? Like we do after every programme Jo?

Jo: Well are you paying Oliver? I paid last time, and the time before, and the time before that – in fact you've never paid! In fact that' it – that' you – you're a freeloader, Oliver.

Oliver: 真想不到你會認為我是白吃白喝、吃白食的人。為了證明你是錯誤的,今天的晚飯我請,現(xiàn)在你可以收回你那句話了嗎?

Jo: Oh go on then, you're not really a freeloader! Anyway we've reached the end of the programme. That' all from Real English and BBC Learning English for today.

Oliver: 想聽到更多的地道英語,別忘了登陸我們的網(wǎng)站,網(wǎng)址是 www.bbcchina.com.cn. 謝謝收聽,再見。

Jo: See you next time.




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