- We will effectively conserve resources and protect the environment. We will actively respond to climate change. We will strengthen resource conservation and management, become better able to ensure adequate supplies of resources, intensify the protection of farmland and the environment, strengthen ecological development and systems to prevent and mitigate natural disasters, and comprehensively build our capacity for sustainable development. The proportion of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption should reach 11.4%; energy consumption and CO2 emissions per unit of GDP should be reduced by 16% and 17% respectively; the release of major pollutants should be reduced by 8% to 10%; forest stock should be increased by 600 million m3; and forest cover should be increased to 21.66%. We will substantially improve water conservancy facilities; make progress in better controlling important tributaries of large rivers as well as lakes and small and medium-sized rivers; and significantly improve agricultural irrigation, the efficiency of water resources use and resistance to flooding.
- We will comprehensively improve the people's wellbeing. We will make increasing employment the foremost objective of economic and social development, create equitable job opportunities for the entire workforce, and create an extra 45 million urban jobs over the next five years. We will uphold and improve the distribution system whereby distribution according to work is dominant and multiple forms of distribution exist side by side, strive to coordinate increases in people's incomes with economic development and increases in workers' pay with improvements in labor productivity, gradually raise the proportion of national income distributed to individuals, increase the proportion of wages in the primary distribution of income, and quickly make the pattern of income distribution more reasonable.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents will rise by an annual average of over 7% in real terms. We will raise the poverty line and reduce the number of people living in poverty. We will more quickly improve the social security system, and continue to raise social security benefits. The basic pension insurance and basic medical insurance systems will cover all urban and rural residents.
Participation in the basic medical insurance system for working and non-working urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical care system will increase and stabilize, and we will increase the proportion of expenses for medical treatment paid out of the medical insurance fund to over 70% in accordance with relevant policies. Low-income housing will be made available to around 20% of the country's urban households. We will adhere to the basic state policy on family planning and progressively improve it. We will promote balanced population growth in the long term and raise the average life expectancy by one year to 74.5 years.
- We will comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. We will pay greater attention to the top-level design and overall planning of reform, vigorously press ahead with economic restructuring, actively yet prudently advance political restructuring, accelerate reform of the cultural and social management systems, constantly improve the socialist market economy, expand socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system, make the superstructure more responsive to the development of and changes in the economic base, and provide strong assurances for scientific development. We will uphold and improve the basic economic system, and create an institutional environment under which economic entities under all forms of ownership use factors of production equally in accordance with the law, engage in fair competition in the market, and enjoy equal legal protection.
We will accelerate the reform of the fiscal, taxation, and financial systems; make fiscal and taxation systems conducive to transforming the pattern of economic development; and develop a financial system that is comprised of diverse organizations, provides efficient service, exercises prudent oversight, and keeps risks within bounds. We will deepen reform of the prices for resource products and environmental protection charges, and develop a sound, flexible mechanism for setting prices for resource products capable of reflecting supply and demand in the market, resource scarcity, and the cost of environmental damage. We will implement a more positive opening up strategy, cultivate new advantages beneficial to our participation in international cooperation and competition, and bring about a new phase of opening up that emphasizes mutual benefit.
- We will constantly strengthen the government's internal reforms and self-improvement. All the government's power is entrusted by the people, and the government must therefore be responsible for the people, work to benefit them, and accept their oversight. We must mobilize and organize as many people as possible to manage state and social affairs as well as economic and cultural undertakings in accordance with the law. We must uphold the rule of law as a basic strategy, strengthen the legal system to safeguard the people's interests, and carry out administration in accordance with the law.
We must make decisions scientifically and democratically; establish a sound operational mechanism for decision making, enforcement and oversight to check each other and function in concert; and ensure that power is exercised properly. We must make institutional changes to end the excessive concentration of power and lack of checks on power, and resolutely prevent and punish corruption. We must safeguard the people's democratic rights and legitimate rights and interests, and safeguard social fairness and justice.
In short, by achieving all the targets set forth in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan through hard work in the coming five years, China's overall strength will further increase, people will live better lives, and our country will undergo more profound changes.
(來源:新華網(wǎng) 編輯:崔旭燕)