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“返校節(jié)”是許多美國學校都會舉行的一項傳統(tǒng)活動,師生們像慶祝節(jié)日一樣積極參與其中,歷屆校友也會在這個時候返回母校?!胺敌9?jié)”其實是一系列的慶?;顒樱膬?nèi)容可謂是豐富多彩、極具特色,有橄欖球比賽、花車游行、競選“返校節(jié)國王和王后”和舞會等等……我們一起來看看小作者Betty Liu的親身體驗吧!
By Betty Liu
李薇 譯
Near the end of football season, schools usually hold a celebration called homecoming. Usually, the celebrations last a week and it features all sorts of fun activities such as dress up days, a parade, a homecoming dance, and of course, the big football game. Often the former students of the school will come back to watch the big game, hence the name “homecoming”. It is usually very fun. Homecoming festivities usually kick off with spirit week.[2] These are days when teachers and students can come to school dressed up in a fun costume[3] to fit with the theme of the day. Once we had “Backwards Day” where students could wear their clothes backwards. Another time we had “Dress as a Famous Person Day” and all around school you saw people dressed as Lady Gaga, Harry Potter, and many more. What made my day[4] was seeing my Science teacher dressed up like Albert Einstein. This is also time for people to start campaigning[5] for Homecoming King and Queen. Boys and girls are nominated by their peers to form the Homecoming Court consisted of 12 girls and 12 boys.[6] Students will usually nominate those that are involved in school activities, have good grades, and girls that are pretty and boys that are handsome. During my freshman[7] year, something really touching happened. A girl named Erica really wanted to be Homecoming Queen, but she didn’t know what to do. You see, Erica suffers from a disease called Down syndrome. This is caused by a genetic mutation and causes slow mental and physical growth, as well as affecting many other factors such as her speech.[8] But the student body was very supportive of Erica’s goal to win Homecoming Queen.[9] Not only was she nominated, but the other girls also campaigned for her to win. They described her as “a ray of sunshine” and found her to be “an inspiration” because she was always so positive[10] about everything. When she was asked how her day was Erica would always respond “Amazing!” She ended up winning Homecoming Queen that year. It was certainly touching to see that these girls would give up such an honor to help out a classmate. The Homecoming Queen and King are announced on the Friday of homecoming week during halftime of the big football game.[11] It is the end of the celebrations and the previous graduates of the school can come and watch the festivities. The marching band will also perform during the halftime break. After the game, there is a homecoming dance where the students come together to celebrate and party. Sometimes the dance lasts until midnight! The other festivities of homecoming often take place during the school day. Classes are cut short so that the entire school can partake[12] in these activities. For my school, the school holds a pep rally, or an assembly, on Thursday afternoon.[13] This is to get the students excited about the upcoming[14] football game. The cheerleaders will do their routines, the band will play pep songs, and the principal will say a few words to recognize the football players.[15] On Friday afternoon classes are usually dismissed at noon so that the school can attend the homecoming parade. Again, the cheerleaders will cheer, the band will play, and the football players will ride around in a truck. After this, clubs will hold booths[16] around the school so students may take the afternoon to do what they wish. |
在橄欖球賽季接近尾聲時,很多學校通常都會舉辦一場名為“返校節(jié)”的慶?;顒樱掷m(xù)一周的時間,并以各種有趣的活動為特色,比如盛裝日、慶祝游行和“返校節(jié)”舞會等等,當然,還有大型的橄欖球比賽。學校的校友們常會回來觀看這場盛大的賽事,由此便得名“返校節(jié)”。它往往都會特別有趣。 “返校節(jié)”的各種慶?;顒右话愣紡摹熬裰堋遍_始。在這些日子里,師生們會穿上有趣的服裝來學校,以配合當日的主題。有一次,我們舉辦了“反穿日”,學生們可以反著穿他們的衣服。還有一回,我們組織了“扮成名人日”,在整所學校里,你都能看見打扮成嘎嘎小姐、哈利?波特和其他很多名人的師生。特別逗的是,我看見我的自然科學老師穿成了埃爾伯特?愛因斯坦的樣子! 這也是人們開始競選“返校節(jié)國王和王后”的時候。同學們推薦出由12名男孩和女孩組成的“返校節(jié)評議會”。學生們一般都會選那些積極參與學?;顒?、成績好且長得好看的男孩和女孩。 在我上一年級的時候,十分讓人感動的事發(fā)生了。有一個叫埃麗卡的女生真的很想成為“返校節(jié)王后”,但她不知道該做什么。你瞧,埃麗卡患有唐氏綜合癥,這種病是由基因突變引起的,還會造成智力和身體上的緩慢發(fā)育,并影響其他很多因素,比如她的語言能力。但學校的全體學生都非常支持埃麗卡想要贏得“返校節(jié)王后”的這一目標。她不僅得到了提名,而且其他女孩也都為她的獲勝搖旗吶喊。 他們把埃麗卡比喻成“一縷陽光”,認為她是一個“鼓舞人心的典范”,因為她對待一切總是那么積極樂觀。當埃麗卡被問及她這一天過得如何時,她總會如是作答:“棒極了!”那年,她終于贏得了“返校節(jié)王后”的稱號??吹脚?yōu)榱藥椭晃煌瑢W而寧愿放棄競爭這樣一項殊榮,當然是特別令人感動的了。 在“返校節(jié)”那一周的周五,也就是在那場盛大的橄欖球賽的中場休息期間,“返校節(jié)國王和王后”花落誰家將會被宣布揭曉。慶典也在這一天結(jié)束,學校以前的畢業(yè)生們可以來觀看這些慶?;顒?。在中場休息期間,游行樂隊也會演奏樂曲。比賽結(jié)束后,還有一場“返校節(jié)”舞會,學生們聚在一起慶祝和狂歡。有時,舞會甚至能持續(xù)到午夜! “返校節(jié)”的其他慶?;顒咏?jīng)常會在上課的日子里舉行。上課時間因此也被縮短了,以便全校師生都能參與到這些活動中來。就我所在的學校而言,周四下午的時候,學校會舉行一場激勵大會,或者說是集會。這樣做是為了讓學生們對即將到來的橄欖球賽興奮激動起來。啦啦隊會表演她們的固定節(jié)目,樂隊演奏活力振奮的歌曲,校長則會講幾句話表揚一下橄欖球運動員們。 到了周五下午,各種課程一般在中午時就都被取消了,以便全校師生可以參加“返校節(jié)”游行。啦啦隊會再次喝彩歡呼,樂隊進行演奏,橄欖球運動員們將乘坐一輛卡車四處巡游。這之后,俱樂部或社團就會在校園各處擺出商棚貨攤,這樣學生們就可以在下午的時光里做他們想做的事了。 (來源:英語學習雜志 編輯:丹妮) |
Vocabulary: 1. homecoming: 〈美〉校友返校節(jié),返回母校的聚會,校友會。 2. festivity: 慶?;顒?;kick off: 〈口〉開始,引起;spirit week: 精神周,很多美國的高中都有這一活動,通常在“返校節(jié)”時舉行,為的是展現(xiàn)自己學校的精神與集體意識。在這一周中,每天都會有一個不同的著裝主題,同學們可據(jù)此搭配相應的服飾來上學?!熬裰堋痹诿绹咧形幕杏兄苤匾牡匚?。 3. costume: (特定場合穿的)成套服裝。 4. make sb.’s day: 〈口〉使某人非常高興。 5. campaign: 參加(或發(fā)起)運動。 6. nominate: 指定,提名;peer: 同齡人,同輩。 7. freshman: 中學(或大學)一年級新生的。 8. genetic: 基因的;mutation: 突變,變種;factor: 要素,因素。 9. student body: (一所學校的)全體學生;supportive: 給予支持的。 10. positive: 積極的,建設性的。 11. announce: 公布,宣布;halftime: (比賽上下半場間的)中場休息。 12. partake: 參加。 13. pep rally: 〈口〉(為運動隊、競選等舉行的)激勵大會,鼓動大會;assembly: 集會,聚會。 14. upcoming: 即將來臨的,即將出現(xiàn)的。 15. routine: (經(jīng)常表演的)固定節(jié)目;recognize: 賞識,表彰。 16. booth: 售貨棚,貨攤。 |
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