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By Betty Liu
沐陽 譯
I remember that when I was in middle school there were plenty of odd reforms in the school. But the one that I remember the most was when our principal decided to take away our Physical Education class. It seems that our coaches thought our group was too large to manage. They claimed that since there were so many of us, they couldn’t watch all of us and it wouldn’t be safe. At 107 students, we were the largest in the school. But keep in mind that the grade below us was about 95 students, and also the fact that we had three assistant P.E. coaches. But our principal had another reason. She thought us to be “too rowdy ” and “disrespectful”. But that was only a small minority. Our teachers thought we were decently behaved for the most part, but our P.E. coaches and principal insisted that we weren’t. And so P.E. was canceled (technically). We were told that we “should not receive the privilege of a P.E. class if we could not behave ourselves”. Our grade would be divided in half and go on different days. This means instead of five days of P.E., we would get two. For the rest of the time we would have study hall in complete silence. I admit, some of the students were very badly behaved, but it wasn’t all of us. Either way, taking away our P.E. class didn’t seem like a good solution. Even our teachers thought it was a bad idea. But what were we to do about it? Our teachers tried to vouch for us, but the situation remained the same. Finally, a group of my friends and I decided to do something. We found out that the North Carolina Board of Education requires at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. We were getting an hour a week. The Board of Education also states that “Structured/unstructured recess and other physical activity (such as, but not limited to, physical activity time, physical education or intramurals) shall not be taken away from students as a form of punishment” which was exactly what was happening here. We finally printed this page off the North Carolina Board of Education’s website and showed it to our principal. We explained it and she said that she would get back to us. Then two weeks passed. Nothing happened, 8th grade still only had two days of P.E. a week. We went back to see the principal, but still nothing happened. Three weeks later, we decided to write a letter to the Board of Education, but before the letter was sent, our teachers found a way to give us out physical activity. Instead of study hall, our teachers took us outside so that we could run around, play basketball, and pretty much do we used to do in P.E. Even though we still couldn’t go to P.E. class, most of us were content with outside time. Because after all, all we really wanted was for a time where we could be active and move around.
我記得上中學時,學校里曾推出過許多古怪的改革措施,我印象最深的一項就是校長決定取消我們的體育課。 似乎是體育教練們認為我們這個群體太大了,不好管理。他們聲稱,因為我們的學生人數(shù)太多,所以照看不過來所有的人,而且還容易發(fā)生危險。我們年級有107名學生,是全校規(guī)模最大的。但別忘了,低我們一年級的班也有95名學生呢,而且,我們年級光助理體育教練就有三個。但校長卻有另外一個理由,她認為我們“太鬧騰”,又“目無尊長”。 但只有少部分學生才有她說的這種情況。任課老師們都覺得我們多半表現(xiàn)得體,但校長和體育教練們卻堅持說我們并非如此。于是體育課就這樣,嚴格地說,被取消了。我們被告知“如果表現(xiàn)不好,就不能享受上體育課的待遇?!蔽覀兡昙墝⒈环殖蓛蓳?,分別上體育課。這意味著我們要從一周五節(jié)的體育課減為一周兩節(jié)。剩下的時間,我們都要在完全寂靜的自習室里學習。 我承認某些學生確實表現(xiàn)不佳,但那并不代表我們所有的人。無論如何,取消體育課都不像是一個好的解決辦法。就連我們的任課老師都覺得這不是個好主意。但我們能怎么辦呢?任課老師們想替我們擔保(復課),但事情還是沒有絲毫轉機。 最后,我和一群朋友決定采取點兒行動。我們發(fā)現(xiàn),北卡羅來納州教育委員會規(guī)定:學生每天至少要保證30分鐘的體育鍛煉時間。而我們當時每周才只有一個小時。教委會還規(guī)定,“不可以將學生(已安排好的或自由的)休息時間及其他體育活動(比如,但不僅限于體育活動時間、體育課時間或校內活動時間)以懲罰為由取消,”但我們這里發(fā)生的恰恰就是這種情況。后來,我們把北卡羅來納州教育委員會寫有這些規(guī)定的網(wǎng)頁打印出來,拿去給校長看。我們解釋了這些條款,而校長則說會給我們回復的。 之后兩周過去了,復課的事兒還是沒有動靜,八年級每周仍然只有兩天能上體育課。我們又去找校長,但還是沒有解決。三周以后,我們決定給教委會寫封信,但在這封信寄出去之前,我們的任課老師們想出了一個辦法讓我們進行體育鍛煉。老師們沒有帶我們去自習室,而是來到了外面,這樣,我們就可以到處跑來跑去,打籃球,很像以前上體育課那樣。即使我們還是不能上體育課,但大多數(shù)同學都對這種“戶外時間”表示很滿意。因為畢竟,我們真正想要的就只是能有一個可以活動起來、跑跑跳跳的時間而已。 (來源:英語學習雜志 編輯:丹妮) |
Vocabulary: 1. P.E.: 體育,即Physical Education的縮寫。 2. rowdy: 吵鬧的,粗暴的。 3. vouch: 保證,擔保。 4. recess: 〈美〉(學校等的)上課間的休息時間;intramural: 〈美〉(同一)學校內的。這里作名詞。 |
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