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By Robert Mankoff ∷安妮 選注
Something that has always intrigued1 me about Abraham Lincoln is, not surprisingly, his sense of humor. As far as I can tell, he’s the first American President to have one.
That’s because the term “sense of humor” really wasn’t in common usage until the eighteen-sixties and seventies. In the eighteen-forties and fifties, it was called “the sense of the ridiculous,” and didn’t have the positive connotations2 that “sense of humor” has today. Back then, what was ridiculous was what invited ridicule3. Funniness and cruelty went hand in hand. Of course, they still do a lot of arm-in-arm strolling in our day as well.4
Lincoln’s humor was very different because, for one thing, it was actually “humor” as the word was defined in his time. We don’t make the distinction between “wit” and “humor” anymore, but in the nineteenth century people did. Wit was sarcastic and antipathetic while humor was congenial and empathetic.5 It’s the differ—ence we note now when we distinguish between “l(fā)aughing with” and “l(fā)aughing at.” Lincoln was much more about “l(fā)aughing with” than “l(fā)aughing at.” And when “l(fā)aughing at,” it was often himself he was mocking.
In the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates, when Douglas accused Lincoln of being two-faced, Lincoln replied, referencing his homeliness,6 “Honestly, if I were two-faced, would I be showing you this one?” And, in a way, Lincoln’s face itself tells us much about his sense of humor.
You can comb through7 thousands of photographs of politicians, soldiers, and the like from Lincoln’s time and not find a single smile. Here’s his sourpussed cabinet.8
True, the extended exposures9 required for photographs of that era made smiling difficult. Yet Lincoln alone, as far as I can tell, overcame that difficulty. And though there is only a hint of smile in his photographs, it hints at what Lincoln knew too well: that, as Mark Twain pointed out, “the secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow.”
Interestingly, while having a sense of humor, or at least the appearance of one provided by comedy writers, has become a necessary characteristic for an American President in our time, in the nineteenth century, too much humor was considered a liability.10 And that was the case for Lincoln. A journalist covering the Lincoln-Douglas debates commented that “I could not take a real personal liking to the man, owing to an inborn weakness for which he was even then notorious and so remained during his great public career, he was inordinately fond of jokes, anecdotes, and stories.”11
There’s hoping that our age might have a more favorable feeling towards him.?
1. intrigue: 激起興趣,引起好奇心。
2. connotation: 隱含意義,聯(lián)想的含義。
3. ridicule: 嘲笑,奚落。
4. 當(dāng)然,直到今日,它們(“滑稽可笑”和”惡毒中傷”)還經(jīng)常被聯(lián)系在一起。
5. sarcastic: 諷刺的,挖苦的;antipathetic: 厭惡的,反感的;congenial: 宜人的,令人舒適愉快的;empathetic: 表示同情的,產(chǎn)生共鳴的。
6. Lincoln-Douglas debates: 林肯與道格拉斯辯論,1858年民主黨人史蒂文?道格拉斯與共和黨人林肯為爭(zhēng)奪伊利諾伊州參議員一職而進(jìn)行的七場(chǎng)辯論,在辯論中林肯提出廢奴主張,雖然在此次參議員選舉中不敵道格拉斯,其廢奴的理念卻開(kāi)始深入人心;two-faced: (人)表里不一的,兩面派的;homeliness: 相貌平平。
7. comb through: 梳理。
8. sourpussed: 〈俚〉整天繃著臉的,臉色陰沉的;cabinet: 內(nèi)閣成員。
9. exposure: 曝光時(shí)間。
10. comedy writer: 這里指專(zhuān)門(mén)幫政客寫(xiě)笑話(huà)的寫(xiě)手;liability: 不利條件,礙事的人(或物)。
11. cover: 采訪(fǎng)關(guān)于……的新聞,報(bào)道;inborn: 天生的,生來(lái)就有的;notorious: 臭名昭著的;inordinately: 非常地,無(wú)節(jié)制地;anecdote: 軼事。
(來(lái)源:英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)雜志 編輯:Julie)
上一篇 : Dad, the Anti-Hippie1 Hippie 反嬉皮文化的“嬉皮士”
下一篇 : 巾幗不讓須眉
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