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Groom killed while helping motorist in snow on way back from weddin
An Indiana groom was fatally struck by a car Saturday after he pulled over to help a stranded motorist hours after his wedding. The Chicago Sun Times reports 49-year-old William Knight was driving with his bride Nikki to a hotel after their 5:00 p.m. ceremony when he spotted a vehicle in a ditch. Nikki Knight told the paper Sunday her husband told her “we've got to stop, it's late and they need help.” She says she stayed inside the car while her husband went out to the other vehicle. Knight said she then heard a thud, and went outside to investigate. William Knight and the driver of the other car, 42-year-old Linda Darlington, did not have pulses. The Chicago Sun Times reports authorities say it appears Knight and Darlington were first struck by one car and then hit two more times by two vehicles behind the first. His widow says Knight served as a U.S. Army Ranger for about 12 years, and would always put himself on the line to help others. "I went from a being a newlywed to a widow in less than 48 hours—the highest high to the lowest low," Nikki Knight said. "It's a blur." Police said all drivers involved in the crash remained at the scene. No charges had been filed as of Sunday afternoon. |
據(jù)美國??怂剐侣劸W(wǎng)站12月15日報道,美國印第安納州一名男子在婚禮結束后的返程中停車幫助被一位困在雪地里的司機,卻不幸被三輛車撞上,當場遇難。 據(jù)《芝加哥太陽時報》報道,現(xiàn)年49歲的威廉?奈特和新娘尼基在14日下午5點的婚禮儀式結束后驅車前往一家旅館。大約晚上11時45分左右,他們看到一輛車被困在了雪地里。尼基說,威廉跟她說“我們必須停車,夜深了,他們需要幫助”。在她的印象里,當了12年兵的丈夫非常樂于助人。 威廉?奈特下車后,尼基在車上等著他。忽然間,尼基聽到“砰”的一聲巨響,她趕忙下車一探究竟,卻震驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)丈夫和被困車輛的司機、42歲的琳達?達林頓已經(jīng)沒有了脈搏?!拔以?8小時內從新娘變成了寡婦,從快樂的巔峰墜入了痛苦的深淵,”尼基悲痛地說。 當?shù)毓俜椒Q,威廉?奈特和達林頓似乎先是被一輛車撞倒,接著又被該車后面的兩輛車撞上。目前所有涉案司機都在現(xiàn)場,截至當?shù)貢r間15日下午,尚無人受到控告。 相關閱讀 曼德拉追悼會驚現(xiàn)“假翻譯” 辯稱精神分裂導致失態(tài) (譯者 yuanlu 編輯 嚴玉潔) |
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