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Premarital sex 婚前性行為
In the original version of "Rapunzel," published in 1812, a prince impregnates the title character after the two spend many days together living in "joy and pleasure." "Hans Dumm," meanwhile, is about a man who impregnates a princess simply by wishing it, and in "The Frog King" a princess spends the night with her suitor once he turns into a handsome bachelor. The Grimms stripped the sex scenes from later versions of "Rapunzel" and "The Frog King" and eliminated "Hans Dumm" entirely. But hidden sexual innuendos in "Grimm's Fairy Tales" remained, according to psychoanalysts, including Sigmund Freud and Erich Fromm, who examined the book in the 20th century.
Graphic violence 暴力描繪
Although the brothers Grimm toned down the sex in later editions of their work, they actually ramped up the violence. A particularly horrific incident occurs in "The Robber Bridegroom," when some bandits drag a maiden into their underground hideout, force her to drink wine until her heart bursts, rip off her clothes and then hack her body into pieces. Other tales have similarly gory episodes. In "Cinderella" the evil stepsisters cut off their toes and heels trying to make the slipper fit and later have their eyes pecked out by doves; in "The Six Swans" an evil mother-in-law is burned at the stake; in "The Goose Maid" a false bride is stripped naked, thrown into a barrel filled with nails and dragged through the streets; and in "Snow White" the wicked queen dies after being forced to dance in red-hot iron shoes. Even the love stories contain violence. The princess in "The Frog King" turns her amphibian companion into a human not by kissing it, but instead by hurling it against a wall in frustration.
Child abuse 虐童
Even more shockingly, much of the violence in "Grimm's Fairy Tales" is directed at children. Snow White is just 7 years old when the huntsman takes her into the forest with orders to bring back her liver and lungs. In "The Juniper Tree" a woman decapitates her stepson as he bends down to get an apple. She then chops up his body, cooks him in a stew and serves it to her husband, who enjoys the meal so much he asks for seconds. Snow White eventually wins the day, as does the boy in "The Juniper Tree," who is brought back to life. But not every child in the Grimms' book is so lucky. The title character in "Frau Trude" turns a disobedient girl into a block of wood and tosses her into a fire. And in "The Stubborn Child" a youngster dies after God lets him become sick.
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