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President Xi Jinping's UK visit starting next week will lead to the signing of agreements worth "a huge amount" and initiate "a golden era" in Beijing's relations with London, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
對于目前的中英關系,英國首相卡梅倫曾這樣描述:2015年不僅是中英關系的“黃金年”(a golden year),而且未來5年要打造中英關系的“黃金時代”。
據(jù)了解,這是10年來中國國家主席首次對英國進行國事訪問(state visit),也是中方面向歐洲的又一次重大外交行動(another major diplomatic activity)。
曾經(jīng)在英國外交部擔任外交官,現(xiàn)任澳洲悉尼大學中國研究中心主任凱瑞·布朗(Kerry Brown)教授說,此次習近平訪問英國可能是中英兩國關系加速發(fā)展(rapid development)的先聲。
在倫敦期間,習近平將出席英女王主持的國事訪問系列活動(a series of activities),包括歡迎儀式(welcoming ceremony)、檢閱皇家騎兵衛(wèi)隊(review the royal horse guards)、非正式午宴(informal luncheon)、正式晚宴(formal welcoming dinner)等。
習近平還將與英國首相卡梅倫會談,會見反對黨領袖(leaders of opposition parties),會見議會領導人,并在議會發(fā)表講話,出席倫敦金融城市長晚宴并發(fā)表演講等(speak at a dinner hosted by the mayor of London),還將出席有關經(jīng)貿(mào)、人文活動。
據(jù)女王的新聞秘書(the queen's press secretary)透露,在倫敦期間,習近平夫婦將下榻在白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace)。外交部稱,在此期間,習近平還將與英皇室成員(members of the British royal family)會面。
In Manchester, the president will visit research and commercial projects.
此外,習近平還將同英方領導人就國際地區(qū)形勢(regional situation)、各自內(nèi)外政策(respective domestic and foreign policies)、雙邊關系(bilateral relationship)等問題交換意見。
商務部部長助理張驥表示,在經(jīng)貿(mào)合作領域(areas of economic and trade cooperation),此訪將超過歷次領導人訪英成果(exceeding the achievements during previous UK visits by Chinese leaders),充分體現(xiàn)中英經(jīng)貿(mào)合作特點和未來發(fā)展的大趨勢。中國政府積極支持企業(yè)赴英投資,并以高鐵(high-speed rail)、核電項目(nuclear power projects)為切入點,推動雙向投資合作的深入發(fā)展(strengthening cooperation on investment)。
Deals signed during the visit will cover such areas as finance, real estate, energy, healthcare and the automobile industry, Assistant Minister of Commerce Zhang Ji told the news conference. The two countries also are expected to seal a major nuclear energy agreement during the visit.
(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 丁一)
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