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Surprise! 2015's best inspirational quotes came from Tumblr
Turns out, 2015 has been a year of great advice.
Thanks to Tumblr, there's a way to catalog some of these amazing quotes, courtesy of everyone from billionaire superstars to teen bloggers.
The blogging platform listed the year's top "wisdom posts," defined by total number of likes and reblogs. From Louis C.K.'s reminder that emotions are valid to Oprah's inspiring road to success, we learned that failures and setbacks aren't the end of the world.
It's not surprising that Tumblr is the place to find these posts. The platform hosts large groups dedicated to mental well-being, encouragement and self-care.
If you're looking for uplifting advice take a look at these 17 pearls of wisdom below:
1. Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made. — Tyler Kent White.
2.You must allow yourself to outgrow and depart from certain eras of your life with a gentle sort of ruthlessness.-- from Girl of the Earth by Katy Maxwell
3. Life's too short to drink crappy coffee and cry over boys who don't care.
4. No one is you and that is your power. — Dave Grohl
5. I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past. — Unknown
6. This may be a sad chapter but you are not a sad story — a follower told me this, thank you.
7. Van Gogh didn’t start painting til his late 20s, in case you feel like you haven’t found your talent.
8. Love yourself so much that when someone treats you wrong, you recognize it — Rena
9. The best way to save money is to act broke.
10. Someone who wants the best for you is what’s best for you.
11. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. — Robert Holden
和自己的關系如何會奠定任何一段與他人關系的基調。—— 羅伯特·霍爾登
12. At 23, JK Rowling was broke. Tina Fey was working at the Y.M.C.A. Oprah had just gotten fired from her first job as a TV reporter and Walt Disney had declared bankruptcy. — Read This If You’re 23 And Lost by Heidi Priebe
23歲時,J·K·羅琳破產了;蒂娜·菲還在基督教青年會工作;奧普拉剛丟了她電視臺記者的飯碗,那是她的第一份工作;沃特·迪斯尼宣告破產了。—— 《23歲的你感到迷惘的話看看這本書》(海蒂·普利貝著)
13. Go for it. Whether it ends good or bad, it was an experience. — Things I’m still learning. k.g.
努力去爭取,不管結局是好或壞。這就是我的經驗?!?《我仍在學習的一些事》 K·G
14. It costs $0.00 to be a decent person. — Unknown
15. Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen.
16. REPEAT AFTER ME: ‘My current situation is not my final destination’ — quote I stumbled across a few days ago and can’t get out of my head it’s so important
跟我念:“目前的處境并不是我的最終結果?!?—— 前幾天偶然讀到的一句話,久久縈繞在我的腦海。因為它如此重要。
17. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. — a friend told me this today and honestly it might be my new motto for 2015
不要為了溫暖別人將自己置于水深火熱之中。 —— 今天一個朋友跟我說的,說實話,這將成為我2015年的新座右銘。
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