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Iris recognition might play a role in the battle against child trafficking in China in the near future, as a pilot biometric iris recognition database is to be set up in Central China's Wuhan city, capital of Hubei province.
The program, proposed by iris recognition technology company EyeSmart, will establish 100 data collection spots in the city. Parents can take their children to the spots to have their iris scanned. If a child who is registered on the database goes missing and is found, an iris scan will be able to quickly determine his or her identity, much faster than DNA identification.
虹膜(iris)是位于黑色瞳孔和白色鞏膜之間的圓環(huán)狀部分(thin, circular structure),一個人的虹膜在出生18個月后便發(fā)育成型,不再改變。虹膜識別技術(iris recognition technology)便是利用虹膜的不變性,通過圖形識別技術(pattern-recognition techniques)對人眼中的虹膜圖像進行對比識別。虹膜識別技術與相應的算法結合后,可以到達十分優(yōu)異的準確度。
目前常見的生物識別技術(biometric identification technology)包括:指紋識別(fingerprint identification)、聲音識別(voice identification)、面部識別(facial recognition)、掌紋識別(palm print idenfication)、視網膜識別(retina recognition)以及虹膜識別(iris recognition)。
今年5月,公安部兒童失蹤信息緊急發(fā)布平臺(emergency response system)上線。全國各地公安機關在接到兒童失蹤報警后,通過這一平臺及時上報信息,相關信息會在第一時間通過“公安部兒童失蹤信息緊急發(fā)布平臺”官方微博等新媒體、高德地圖等移動應用對公眾發(fā)布,同時通過相應渠道自動推送到兒童失蹤地周邊的相關人群,收到推送的用戶可撥打110或者信息中的打拐民警電話提供線索。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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