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National lawmakers on Wednesday started to deliberate draft general provisions of civil law, which, if adopted, will bring the country one step closer to a long-absent civil code.
After the adoption of the general provisions, lawmakers will step up work on compiling individual books on property, contract and marriage, among others, which will be integrated into a unified code.
全國人大常委會委員長張德江在關于全國人民代表大會常務委員會的工作報告指出,民法總則(the general provisions of civil law)規(guī)定民法的基本原則(basic principles)和一般規(guī)則(general rules),在民法典(civil code)中起統(tǒng)率性、綱領性作用。
綠色原則 green principle
In their civil activities, civil subjects must be aware of the need to save resources and protect the environment.
胎兒民事權利 civil law rights of fetuses
Fetuses that require protection for the succession of estates and reception of donations shall be deemed as having the capacity for civil law rights.
限制民事行為能力年齡 the statutory age limit of minors with limited capacity for civil conduct
The draft lowers the statutory age limit of minors with limited capacity for civil conduct from 10 to six years.
網絡虛擬財產保護 protection of online virtual assets
People's personal information is protected by law. No individual shall illegally collect, use, process and transmit personal information, nor should they illegally trade, disseminate or disclose any personal information.
見義勇為 acting voluntarily to help another in emergency
A person shall not bear civil responsibilities if he acts voluntarily to help another in emergency and inflicts losses on the one being helped.
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
上一篇 : 財政部長:今年繼續(xù)“減稅降費”
下一篇 : 國資委:進一步推動“混合所有制”改革
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