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Legends of the fall 《燃情歲月》(精講之五)
[ 2006-09-13 10:57 ]

文化面面觀     禁酒法案是美國憲法史上最短命的一條憲法修正案。該修正案于1919年通過,到1933年廢除,像一場兒戲。國家和社會都沒有從這場鬧劇得到好處。禁酒令還為初露頭角的黑幫賺取了足夠的利潤,也讓犯罪開始在美國蔓延,禁酒令因此也成了黑幫崛起的催化劑。

思想火花     多年后,在自我放逐中獲得救贖的崔斯汀終于返回家園,蘇珊娜卻已經(jīng)嫁給了別人?!坝肋h真的是太遠了。”是該詛咒這世界的不公,還是該譴責(zé)女人的背叛?還是,根本就是浪子崔斯汀自己毀了一切?



Susannah:Forever turned out to be too long, Tristan.

Tristan: I know.

Tristan: Samuel Decker Ludlow.

Susannah: Dear Tristan, Alfred and I were delighted to hear of your son's birth. We had hoped for a child of our own, but of that I despair. I know Alfred thinks of you often. I look forward to the day when we all might see one another again. Your sonbearsa proud and noble name. I know he willlive up toit. Please give my love to Isabel II and to your father and everyone else. Yours always, Susannah.

Tristan: Evening, gentlemen.

O'Banion: Tristan, meaning to talk to you about one or two things.

Tristan: By all means. 

O'Banion: As you know perfectly well, we handle the liquor around here. Now, you've been what we call asmall-time operator. An amateur, frankly. But lately,your shipments have been getting a little fat. And my patience has been getting a little thin.So the next time you get in our way... will be the last time.

Tristan: Excuse me. I appreciate.

Man: Perhaps you're wondering why you're not dead already. Your brother is Congressman Ludlow, that's it and that's all.


1. Forever turned out to be too long.

記得一首歌里唱道“永遠到底有多遠”,這恐怕是誰也說不清的問題。但是對于 Susannah來說,“永遠真的是太遠了?!?/p>

2. Bear a proud name

“有一個值得驕傲的名字。”Samuel 這個名字的意思是“聽見(上帝說)”。這里需要注意的是 bear 這個詞的用法。它的意思是:to possess,to have and be entitled to。例如:He bears a title of honorary president. 他有一個名譽主席的頭銜。

3. Live up to

To live in accordance with (expectations or an ideal or standard); measure up to. Susannah 的意思是小 Samuel 也會像她以前的愛人 Samuel 那樣英勇無畏的。例如:Arthur will live to his proud name.

4. Small-time operator


5. Your shipments have been getting a little fat. And my patience is getting thin.

你販的量有點大了。我對你的耐性也降低了。Fat 和 thin 這兩個詞在這里用的很好,非常形象。大家可以借鑒這個用法。

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