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Garfield 2《加菲貓》2(精講之三)
[ 2007-02-09 17:21 ]

文化面面觀  Tina Turner 蒂娜·特納——美國搖滾教母

我觀之我見  一個人的性格和習慣是由他的生活環(huán)境和成長歷程決定的,所以我們總能總結出許多各具特色的國民素質……

考考你  一展身手


Garfield 2《加菲貓》2(精講之三)Anchorperson: The animals are said to have suffered a mild seasickness, but now are back to eating the finest calf's liver.

Garfield: Oh, boy. Must be sweet. My tummy's upset. May I have some liver? Boy, I wish Jon was a queen.

Maid: Housekeeping.

Garfield: Okay, blockhead, time to bust out of here and catch up with Jon. First, let'sgrab some chow, before I eat your liver with some fava beans and a niceChianti. Sorry, we left a bit of mess in the bath room. Thanks.

Garfield: Take the picture. Take the picture. Take it! Take it! Take the picture!

Garfield: Excuse me. Did you see a couple of people who look like they might be tourists? Oh, I know this drill. They won'tcrack up, no matter what you do. Hey,Freeze-Frame, your knee's on fire. Hmm. I know I can get this guy. No, seriously, your zipper's down. Hey,Dry Goods. Yeah. Anybody ever tell you look like Tina Turner? That was effective.

Coachman: Her Majesty, the Queen of England!

Garfield: What's all the hubbub?

Guard: Attention!

Garfield: Hey, Odie, look, it's those royal corgis. Hey, lady, you got any leftover liver?Stuck-up little punk. Oh, I know she heard us. They had the top down. Odie? Odie? D'uh-oh! Odie, no! Don't do theugly-American thing! The British's coming! The British's coming! Well, you made him crack anyway.


1. Grab some chow

Chow 的意思是“food,esp. hearty dishes or a meal”,grab 的意思是“拿東西”,那grab some chow就是“找點好東西吃吃”的意思了。例如:I'm starving. Let's grab some chow.

2. Chianti
A dry red table wine made from a blend of different varieties of grapes, originally produced in northwest Italy. Chianti是個地名,是一個老的意大利葡萄酒產區(qū),位于Tuscany,那里出產的酒普通質量的裝在一種有藤編的大肚子瓶里,質量好的則是裝在波爾多形瓶里。

Chianti有7個子產區(qū),其中Chianti Classico最有名,還有Chianti Ruffina,Chianti Montalbano, Chianti Colli Fiorentini, Chianti Colli Senesi, Chianti Colline Pisane和Chianti Colli Arezzo。當然其他的某些產區(qū)不會出現(xiàn)在酒標上。

釀造Chianti用的主力葡萄是Sangiovese,當然也有的加入了其他的葡萄如Cabernet Sauvignon等,但是通常的比例不會超過10%。


3. Crack up

這里的意思是“動一下,笑一下”。Crack up 還可以表示“無法控制地大笑”,例如:That story about the revolving door really cracked me up. Ed cracked up, too, when he heard it.

4. Freeze-frame

我們常常說“定格”一個畫面,freeze-frame 就是“定格”的意思。這個詞可以引申來指“靜止不動的場景或形象”。

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