Conrad and Bean removed pieces of the Surveyor 3, to be taken back to Earth for analysis, and took two Moon-walks lasting just under four hours each. Astronauts Conrad and Bean also collected rocks and set up equipment that took measurements of the Moon's seismicity, solar wind flux and magnetic field, and relayed the measurements to Earth. (By accident Bean left several rolls of exposed film on the lunar surface.) Meanwhile Gordon, on board the Yankee Clipper in lunar orbit, took multispectral photographs of the surface.
Photograph of the plaque attached to the Apollo 12 LM |
The lunar plaque attached to the descent stage of Intrepid is unique in that unlike the other lunar plaques, it (a) did not have a depiction of the Earth, and (b) it was textured differently (the other plaques had black lettering on polished stainless steel while the Apollo 12 plaque had the lettering in polished stainless steel while the background was brushed flat).
Intrepid's ascent stage was dropped (per normal procedures) after Conrad and Bean rejoined Gordon in orbit. It impacted the Moon on 20 November, 1969 at 3.94 S, 21.20 W. The seismometers the astronauts had left on the lunar surface registered the vibrations for more than an hour.
Yankee Clipper landed on 24 November, 1969, at 20:58 UTC (3:58pm EST, 10:58am HST), approximately 500 miles (800 km) east of American Samoa. During landing, a 16 mm camera dislodged from storage and struck Bean in the forehead, rendering him briefly unconscious. He suffered a mild concussion, and needed six stitches.
Mission insignia
The Apollo 12 mission patch shows the crew's Navy background. It features a clipper ship arriving at the moon. The ship trails fire and flies the flag of the United States. The mission name APOLLO XII and the crew names are on a wide gold border, with a small blue trim. Blue and gold are traditionally Navy colors. The patch has four stars on it — one each for the three astronauts who flew the mission and one for Clifton Williams. Williams was killed on October 5, 1967, after a mechanical failure caused the controls of his T-38 trainer to stop responding. He had been assigned to the back-up crew for what would be the Apollo 9 mission and would have most likely been assigned as Lunar Module pilot for Apollo 12.
Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me. — Pete Conrad (somewhat shorter in stature than Armstrong) as he stepped onto the lunar surface for the first time.
1. 這個隊落后了,但在最后時刻塞姆底線得分轉敗為勝。
2. 這位馬拉松參賽者在比賽的開始階段跑在前面,但他過高地估計了自己的實力,結果在離終點僅3英里時,跑得筋疲力盡而不得不退出比賽。
3. 他把事情全搞壞了,要花一星期時間才能把這一團糟的局面整理出頭緒來。
From the earth to the moon《從地球到月球》精講之四 考考你 參考答案
1. 這個節(jié)目幾年前就停播了。
The program went off the air years ago.
2. 要求申請者要親自來申請。
Applicants are requested to apply in person.
3. 他親眼目睹了這場謀殺。
He witnessed in person the murder.
影片對白 Maybe we weren't dignified enough to be heroes. It wouldn't matter. 'Cause we were the second mission to land on the moon. History's ultimate anticlimax.
文化面面觀 阿波羅12號——沒有轉播的月球之旅