我聽之我見:Live for love united由45名重量級球星獻唱,但它決不是一個簡單的“明星秀場”。沒有綠茵場上的奔跑,沒有看紅地毯旁的尖叫,沒有鎂光燈下的華服,球星們此時只是簡單平凡的歌者,雖然沒有專業(yè)的唱腔,但卻帶著屬于他們也屬于所有人的愛心與善良。
Live for Love United
Have you ever dreamed of playing for
The biggest team there is on earth
Have you ever played at dreaming large
The time is now and you are the star
The ball is travelling in your direction
Give it all of your attention
Pick it up and pass it on
That's what's gonna make us strong
We will live for love united
We will give for love united
For moments like this
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For all those we missed
We will live for love united
Come together undivided
We will stand up
For all the people of the world
Have you ever dreamed of flying high
Looking down from heaven with god's eyes
You know we could use some intervention
Children needing your protection It's not enough to sing this song
Lift the cup and pass it on
We will live for love united
We will give for love united
For moments like this
For all those we've missed
We will live for love united
Come together undivided
We will stand up
For all the people of the world
I play for love united
Juego para love united
Jag spelar for love united
Ne ngioka love united
Je joue pour love united
We will live for love united
We will give for love united
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For moments like this
For all those we’ve missed
We will live for love united
Come together undivided
We will stand up
For all the people of the world
The people of the world
Eu jogo para love united
Je joue pour love united
Ich spiele fur love united
Anka joue pou love united
Anch'io, io gioco per love united
Eu jogo para love united
Se hana a love united bewana

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