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Revolutionary Road 《革命之路》精講之三
[ 2009-04-27 20:26 ]




Howard:John, let's not get started again about the lawyer.

John:Pop, couldn't you just sit there and eat your wonderful egg salad, and quit horning in? See... I've got a good many questions to ask and I'm willing to pay for the answers... Now, I don't need to be told that a man who goes after his mother with a coffee table is putting himself in a weak position legally; that's obvious.

Helen: John, come and have a look out this fabulous picture window.

John:If he hits her with it and kills her, that's a criminal case.

Helen: Oh, look, the sun's coming out!

John:If all he does is break the coffee table and give her a certain amount of aggravation and she decides to go to court over it, that's a civil case.

Helen: Maybe we'll have a rainbow! John, come have a look.

John:Ma, how about doing everybody a favor? How about shutting up!

Howard:Settle down, now.

Frank: Maybe I can look into it. Recommend someone. What you say?

John:So...What do you do, Frank?

Frank: I work for Knox Business Machines factory.

John:You design the machines?

Frank: Nope.

John:Make 'em, sell 'em, repair 'em?

Helen: All these questions.

Frank: I help sell them, I guess I work in the office. Actually, it's a sort of a stupid job really. There's...nothing interesting about it at all.

John:What do you do it for then?

Howard:Maybe Frank doesn't like to be questioned like this...

John:Okay, okay. Okay. I know it's none of my business. And besides, I know the answer. You want to play house, you got to have a job. You want to play very nice house, very sweet house, then you got to have a job you don't like. Anyone comes along and says "What do you do it for?" He's probably on a four-hour pass from the State funny farm. All agreed..? Ma..?

Howard:Sorry Frank.

Frank: No. Don't be. Don't be. Actually, John, I agree with everything you just said. We both do. That's why I'm quitting the job in the fall. We're taking off.

April: We're moving to Paris.

John:Did you know about this, Ma...? How do you feel about that, Ma? The nice young Wheelers are taking off!

Helen: John, please.

Howard:Steady down, son.

Frank: John. John! How about some fresh air, what you say? If that's all right with you?

Helen: I don't know if it's such a good idea.

Howard:If John wants to, I don't see the harm.

April: Good.

Frank: Do you..?

April: I hear you're a mathematician.

John:You hear wrong. It's all gone now.

April: All gone?

John:You know what electrical shock treatments are?

April: Yes. Yes I do.

John:I've had thirty-seven. Supposed to jolt out the "Emotional Problems."


1.horn in:插一腳進來,闖入,干預。影片中Howard試圖打斷John的長篇大論,John不耐煩對他說:“別插嘴好嗎?”來看例句:

There was this idiot who was totally trying to horn in.有個蠢貨總試圖插一腳進來。

She loves to horn in on her husband's official functions. 她老愛干預她丈夫的公務。

2.go to court:打官司,訴諸法庭。影片中John說到:“如果只是摔壞茶幾惹惱了她,她決定起訴,就是民事糾紛?!?/span>

You'll go to court with this lawyer next month. 下個月你要跟這個律師開庭。

I will go to court and get an injunction against your pirating my book. 我要起訴你,禁止你盜版我的書。

3.funny farm: 指神經病院。影片中John說:“如果有人要問為什么,他一定是從神經病院來的?!?/span>

Better be serious , or else you will be thrown into the funny farm. 嚴肅一點,否則把你送到精神病院去。

4.steady down:鎮(zhèn)定,穩(wěn)住。影片中Howard試圖安撫John,對他說:“冷靜些,孩子?!眮砜蠢洌?/span>

The first thing you ought to do is to steady it down. 第一件事情就是要先把它穩(wěn)住。



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