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Mamma mia! 《媽媽咪呀》精講之一
[ 2009-05-11 18:14 ]




Rosie: My mother needs a perch.

Tanya: Mother? We're the same age.

Rosie: Yeah, Well, parts of us are, Sailor.

Tanya: No.

Tanya: Oh, he has your book!

Men: Stavros.

Rosie: Stavros.

Woman: It's just a fish,

Ali:You are so clever,

We're going to look fabulous tomorrow, I want the perfect wedding, and I want my father to give me away.

Ali:Better be a wide aisle,

Sophie:I will know my father as soon as I see him

Lisa: Sky! Come here, gorgeous,

Sky: Put me down, I'm getting married tomorrow.

Sophie:Please be careful.

Lisa: So?

Sophie: There are pins in the dresses.

Lisa: What do you think?

Sky: Oh, yes!

Sophie:"Oh, yes," If you had your way, it'd be a three-minute wedding in jeans and T-shirts, washed down with a bottle of beer.

Sky: You make me sound so unromantic! I just thought we should save our money for travelling.

Sophie:Well, we're not going anywhere yet. Anyway, please leave, we’re very, very busy.

Sky: I'm just getting some props for tonight.

Lisa AND Ali: Ooh!

Sophie: For his bachelor party.

Lisa: Why haven't you told him you've invited your dads?

Sophie:Because he would say that I'd have to tell my mom.

Ali: Donna's absolutely gonna kill you when she finds out.

Sophie:By the time she finds out, it'll be too late, I feel like there's a part of me missing, and when I meet my dad, everything will fall into place.

1.perch: 這個詞的本意是(鳥類的)棲息地,棲木。這里指歇腳處,小憩處。影片中妙語連珠的Rosie對船上的乘客說:“我母親要個座兒?!?來看例句:

We found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. 我們找到一處矮石墻的殘垣,歇了歇腳。

而口語中Come off your perch 的意思是:放下你的臭架子,別那么神氣的意思。

2.give away: 這里的意思是,在婚禮上將(新娘)交給新郎。影片中即將出嫁的Sophie對她的閨蜜們說:

“I want the perfect wedding, and I want my father to give me away.” 意思就是:“我想要個完美的婚禮,我希望我父親把我交給新郎?!?/p>

Give away 還有透露,泄露的意思。 比如:Do not give away my secret. 不要泄露我的秘密。

3. wash down:吞下,咽下。影片中Sophie對她的未婚夫Sky 說:“要是依你的話,那就會是三分鐘的婚禮,穿著牛仔褲和T恤,灌下一整瓶啤酒?!眮砜蠢洌?/p>

Wash the dry cake down with tea. 借茶水咽下這塊干餅。

4. prop:這里指道具。Sky 匆忙離開,對女孩們說:“我只是在為今天晚上的道具做準備?!?/p>

a stage prop 一件舞臺道具

the props used in a television commercial 用于電視廣告片的道具。

5. bachelor party:單身男子派對。影片中Sophie接著Sky的話說:“為他的單身漢聚會做準備?!?/p>

He also looked very hungover from his bachelor party the night before. 他看上去好像酒喝多了正難受,因為昨晚他參加了單身舞會。

6. fall into place:變得清楚,明朗,正和其位。影片中Sophie說:“當我見到我爸爸,一切都會回歸正軌的?!?/p>

It all begins to fall into place. 一切開始明朗了。



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