1. 就算是在未來,紙鈔還是很重要。
Despite all the hi-tech gizmos on display, from the cryosleep pods and exo-skeletal warrior suits to the amazing Avatar-transplant technology, mankind still hasn't evolved past folding paper money. Jake Sully’sbrother -- who has an enormous amount of R&D dollars invested inhis PhD-achieving ass -- dies because he's robbed for the cash in hiswallet. So it's the decision to not move to an all-electronic funds transfer system by 2154 -- hardly credible - that really determines Pandora's fate.
2. 高科技也救不了你,該你坐輪椅還得坐輪椅。
Sully is paralyzed from the waist down after a war wound, and thus he gets around in an old-fashioned wheelchair. It's pretty crummy, really, that science has developed to the point where human consciousness can be transplanted into a genetically engineered 9-foot-tall Na’vi but a spinal column can't be given an overhaul while-U-wait. Sully explains it costs too much for the lowly likes of himself. Well, that sure sucks, but surely they could come up with a nifty set of mechanical legs for him, given the gnarly exo-suits ondisplay everywhere you look.
3. 煙草生命力超級頑強。
Earth is now devoid of greenery but tobacco farming apparently still survives -- as evidenced by Sigourney Weaver's Grace Augustine lighting up every chance she gets. Even weirder is that, despite there being hundreds of highly stressed macho warriors stuck on Pandora for six years at a time, she seems to be the only smoker left. Where does she get them? And why does the industry serve one customer?
4. 潘多拉的礦業(yè)大概永無發(fā)家之日。
Doing nasty things the Na'vi to get precious Unobtainium is morally reprehensible, but it also might not really make the best businesssense. We're told the stuff (whose name is to sci-fi what the Mac Guffinis to mystery thrillers) goes for -- hold on to your piggy banks! --$20M a kilogram. Sounds impressive-- until you factor in 145 years of inflation. Right now, platinum goes for about $46,000 a kilo. At 3 percent annual inflation for the next century and a half that becomes $3.5M. But given the state we’re told Earth is in, a 3 percent inflation rate seems pretty optimistic. At 4 percent, you're looking at $13.5M. If it hits 5 percent then the going rate for platinum would reach $54 M per kg. Now factor in the insanecost of traveling to a distant planet, waging a war and transporting Unobtainium back to Earth. Just saying the Corporation might be better off, you know, growing weed.
5. 22世紀澳洲口音大行天下。
Good call, James Cameron, by letting Sam Worthington keep the Australian twang to his American accent. The actor's voice maintains a pleasant consistency that wasn't found in "Terminator Salvation" and recalls the tones of Mel Gibson. Maybe Cameron went a wee bit too far in that direction, though, in the "Braveheart" scene.
6. 海軍部隊長官的官腔還是老樣子。
"Get some!" cries one Marine. Meanwhile, virtually everything that villainous Colonel Miles Quaritch says, from "Pandora will --- you outwith zero warning" to "Nothing's over while I'm breathing," sounds,well, like it's taken from a 2009 action movie that's nodding back tothe genre's 1980s heyday, which its creator helped establish. As apoint of reference, here are a few military words and phrases popularin the mid-19th century. "Graveled"-- to be perplexed; "The pinch of the game" -- the defining moment; "Tight scratch" -- a difficult fight. I'm saying the tough guys of Avatar might do terse-talk we don't quite understand. "Grub the Navs, chippers, I be blerkin the pnau-flerks outof 'em!' "
7. 要USB做啥?有頭發(fā)就夠了。
And you thought braided ponytails were only for acid casualties,time-warp-stuck yuppies and drummers in reggae bands? Think again, kiddo. In the future, whenever you want to upload or download a fewfiles -- or sync with a flying dragon, or the planet in general --you'll reach for your hairbraid's fibre-optic thingies. Hair stylists will price their weave work by the Tera-byte and connection speed。
8. 如果你住在尼日利亞或者委內瑞拉那塊地兒,趕快搬了吧。
Sorry, Nigerians and Venezualans, but according to Cameron, you will some time soonish be receiving a visit from the U.S. Marine Corps and its hi-tech arsenal -- all because you live on top of something precious and have therefore become an enemy of the country-company. Hmm… Nigeria … Venezuela … what could it be?
9. 外星人傻不啦嘰的,還喜怒無常。
The Na'vi have plenty of spiritual connections to Pandora, live in sweet symbiosis with the animals and plants, and are all-round athletic warriors. But they aren't the brightest chameleons in the terrarium, as evidenced by their initial bow-and-arrow response to super-dooperhover-gunships. No offence, blue guys, but you've had -– oh –- decades to learn that firing your pointy sticks doesn't work at that range.Thankfully, they can depend on the clans -- even if they never mention them in passing. Which makes me think our forest-dwelling heroes may be fair-weather Na'vi。
10. 風水輪流轉,終究回到原點。
I'm not the first and I won't be the last to say it. "Avatar" is visually revolutionary, a technological step forward into the filmmaking future. But it's also a liberal space-set cowboys & Indians story that echoes most obviously 1991’s "Dances With Wolves: and before that Jimmy Stewart's 1950 western "Broken Arrow" and JohnWayne's 1953 3D effort "Hondo." Not that there's anything wrong with that. Maybe it's Cameron's sly point: while the Na'vi learn slow, humans never learn.(來源:新浪教育)
1. 要確保勝利,就要先發(fā)制人。
2. 我們將以暴治暴。
3. 我本來還指望,我們有一些不是殉難式的防守策略。
4. 但是,如果你在那里,我必須讓你知道。
Avatar 《阿凡達》精講之五參考答案
1. Get the trauma kit. Keep the pressure on Grace.
2. At least they can't track us up here.
3. I don't believe in fairy tales.
4. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.
(中國日報網英語點津 編輯:Julie)