David: Yes, I'd like to make a collect call, please. David Marks. Dad, David. Huh? How am I gonna do that? I got on the tuxedo. Can't we just call a plumber? Yeah right, why would we do that? That doesn't make any sense. Why would you send a plumber to do a plumber's job, huh? (car door opens) (groans) What are you looking at, huh?
Katie: Hi.
David: Oh. Hi. Um...I've forgotten why I'm here.
Katie: I was gonna make some coffee.
David: Excuse me?
Katie: Do you want coffee? I was gonna make some.
David: No thank you.
Katie: Am I keeping you from something?
David: Yeah. But it's something I'm dreading. Hey, do you have some kind of... I don't know, something I could put under here?
Katie: Uh, yeah. Here.
David: So how long ago did you move in?
Katie: On Sunday.
David: Oh. From where?
Katie: Long Island.
David: Oh.
Katie: My mom's house. Are you done?
David: I think I should stop. You know? I mean...I'm not a plumber. I mean, as you might have guessed. And I can't get a plumber in here until Monday. So, uh...I guess what I've done is, uh...
Katie: Do you want help with that?
David: Yeah. Uh, anyway, so I guess what I did was come out here to tell you that you have a leak and, uh, that you should get it fixed. (chuckles) You smell good.
Katie: You're gonna be late.
David: So? I'm always late.
Katie: You could always blame me.
(dinner party chatter)
David: Hi, David Marks.
Man: Sir, right this way.
David: Oh God.
Sanford Marks: Oh look, there. Here, take this.
Sanford’s friend: Go easy on him.
David: Okay, I don't have to tell you...just ignore him and I apologize for anything he says between now and the time we leave.
Sanford Marks: Late. Always late. Anybody who didn't know you would think you were a busy man. Oh, I see you brought a friend.
Katie: Katie.
Sanford Marks: Your full name, dear, always.
Katie: Oh, Katherine McCarthy.
Sanford Marks: Well, what a lovely young woman you are. You've even managed to make my vagabond son look handsome.
Katie: He is handsome.
Sanford Marks: David, I need you to meet the next senator from New York. And I didn't invite you here to help you get laid. Ambassador Moynihan.
Ambassador Moynihan: Sanford, congratulations.
Sanford Marks: Thank you. Welcome back.
Ambassador Moynihan: Thank you.
Sanford Marks: Liz. Always more gracious. Ambassador, you remember my eldest son David?
Ambassador Moynihan: David the heir apparent. Of course, how are you?
David: Fine, thank you.
Sanford Marks: Oh, and this is...
Katie: Katherine McCarthy.
Ambassador Moynihan: Miss McCarthy. My wife Elizabeth.
Daniel: Ambassador.
Ambassador Moynihan: Ah, the man himself. Thank you.
Daniel: Here you go, Dad.
Sanford Marks: Thanks, Daniel.
David: Hey, shouldn't you be wearing white gloves?
Daniel: Screw you, David.
Katie: Is that Irish?
Ambassador Moynihan: Excuse me?
Katie: Moynihan, is that an Irish name?
Ambassador Moynihan: Gaelic. Originally Scottish-Gaelic. But my family...
(silverware clinks on glass)
Mayor: My friends, a man who's old enough to remember how 42nd Street used to be...Sanford Marks!
Sanford Marks: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. My father had a vision for Times Square and he passed it on to me. Where there are peep shows and massage parlors, I see Broadway theaters restored to their former glory. And where there are dilapidated hotels, I see gleaming office towers bustling with the important business of this city. It's my hope I can help breathe life back into this neighborhood that was so dear to my father, a man who placed great trust in me to carry on his legacy. To Howard Marks.
妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用
1. collect call: 對方付費(fèi)電話。
2. tuxedo: 男士無尾半正式晚禮服。
3. plumber: 管道工。
4. Go easy on him: 不要對他太苛刻,對他寬容點(diǎn)。
5. vagabond: 浪蕩的;懶散的。
6. get laid: 上床,發(fā)生性關(guān)系。
7. heir apparent: 準(zhǔn)繼承人。
8. Screw you: 你去死吧。影片中David看不慣弟弟那套上層社會(huì)的禮節(jié),就嘲諷他說“為什么不戴上白手套?”
9. peep show: 脫衣舞表演。“脫衣舞女”是stripper。
10. massage parlor: 按摩院,(掛按摩院招牌的)妓院。
11. dilapidated: 殘破的;搖搖欲墜的。
12. bustle with: 充滿??匆幌吕樱篢he city is bustling with life.(城里車水馬龍,生氣勃勃。)