Cousin Hugh: Well, no surprise. Other than the holdouts who don't wanna sell at all, it's done. Holitzer. Chicago group a distant second. Feels good. Doing the right thing, Mattie. At least there ain't gonna be any Walmart. All right. Now it's your call. We're all behind you. Most of us, anyway. Go ahead, Captain. Make it official.
Matt: It's strange, is all.
Cousin Hugh: What's strange?
Matt: We didn't do anything to own this land. It was entrusted to us. And now we're just... I can't do it. I'm not gonna do it.
Cousin Hugh: What do you mean?
Matt: I'm not gonna sign.
Cousin Hugh: What are you doing, Man? I mean, we know you got a lot on your plate now, but you're not gonna fuck this up for us. It's over.
Matt: I don't want it to go to Holitzer. I don't want it to go to anyone. I wanna keep it.
Cousin Hugh: Your head's not right, Mattie. Your head's not right. Want a couple of days to think about it? Take a couple of days.
Matt: I don't need a couple of days. I have the authority, and this is what I want. We have other businesses that we're converting into corporations. We can figure this out.
Cousin Hugh: You're the trustee, Mattie. You know better than anyone we only have seven years left.
Matt: Then I have seven years to figure out how to keep it.
Cousin Hugh: We'll come after you, Man. Just because you're a fucking lawyer... doesn't mean the rest of us will be afraid to come after you. But nobody wants to do that. We're family.
Matt: People will be relieved, Hugh. The whole state.
Cousin Hugh: Oh, shit.
Matt: I sign this document...and something that we were supposed to protect is gone forever. Now, we're haole as shit. And we go to private schools and clubs...and we can barely speak pidgin, let alone Hawaiian. But we've got Hawaiian blood, and we're tied to this land. And our children are tied to this land. Now, it's a miracle that for some bullshit reason 150 years ago... we own this much of paradise, but we do. And for whatever bullshit reason, I'm the trustee now... and I'm not signing. I'm not signing it. So if you wanna sue me, it'll just make us closer.
Cousin Hugh: All right. Listen up, everybody. Hey, hey, hey. Cousin Mattie has an announcement. Get ready!
Matt: Come in. Julie?
Julie: I know we just met... but I've been thinking about you guys a lot these last few days... and, uh, I knew your mom was here. I don't know, I just felt I should come by.
Matt: Well, you know Alex.
Alex: Hi.
Julie: Hi.
Matt: This is Scottie. And, Sid, this is Mrs Speer.
Julie: Julie.
Matt: Julie.
Scottie: Were you friends with my mom?
Julie: No, I never met your mom, but I know a lot about her.
Matt: Listen, Julie, we really appreciate you coming by... and the flowers are lovely.
Sid: Hey, Scottie, Alex.
Scottie: What?
Sid: Let's go to the cafeteria.
Alex: Yeah, good idea. Scottie.
Scottie: I'm coming.
Sid: Hurry up, Scottie.
Scottie: It only took me two seconds.
Sid: Scottie.
Scottie: Coming.
Matt: I'm not sure how much you know about my wife's condition...but, uh, she's gonna die very soon. And actually, that's sort of why we're here.
Julie: I know. That's why I came, because I know. I came because Brian wouldn't, and that just didn't seem right. I thought someone from my family should come.
Matt: So he told you.
Julie: He was acting really weird that night after you left... and then I just started smelling it on him. I'd already smelled it. I finally got it out of him, and we have been going crazy ever since. Not easy with the kids around. It's all just something I could never have imagined. And then your family's decision with the land... I think you're doing the right thing, but Brian is... It's just so complicated and confusing.
Matt: I know.
Julie: I'm angry. But I'm just so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Do you mind if I say something to her?
Matt: Okay.
Julie: Elizabeth, I'm Julie. I'm Brian's wife. I just wanna tell you... I just wanna tell you I forgive you. I forgive you for trying to take Brian away. I forgive you for trying to destroy my family. Because I just... I have to forgive you. I just have to forgive you, even though I should hate you.
Matt: Okay, okay, that's enough.
Julie: I just have to forgive you.
Matt: Really, honestly, I think that's enough, okay? Here we go. Thank you, Julie. Hey. He didn't love her, just so you know. He didn't really love her.
Julie: That's why I came.
Matt: Okay. Okay. Goodbye, Elizabeth. Goodbye, my love. My friend. My pain. My joy. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
妙語(yǔ)佳句 活學(xué)活用
1. holdout: 拒不退讓的人(或組織、集團(tuán)等);拒不合作者。
2. haole: (夏威夷)白人;非土著。
3. pidgin: (并用兩種或多種語(yǔ)言的)混雜語(yǔ);洋涇浜語(yǔ)。
4. come by: 來(lái)訪。
Other young people do not find money so easy to come by.(其他的年輕人想要來(lái)錢就沒(méi)這么容易了。)
5. cafeteria: 自助餐館。
6. go through: 經(jīng)受,經(jīng)歷(痛苦、困難等)。
We cannot have what we want without going through the mess.(沒(méi)有經(jīng)歷這些消極雜亂狀況,我們就不會(huì)得到我們想要的。)