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Must Love Dogs《征婚廣告》精講之一

[ 2012-08-13 13:41] 來源:中國日報網(wǎng)     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Sarah: No. No way, I'm not going out with this guy.

Carol: Just call him. Say hello. He's in my book club.

Sarah: Why is there a woman in this picture?

Carol: It's his wife. They're separated, but he didn't want to go to the trouble of photoshopping her out if you're not interested. They are in Hawaii. I believe it's the Four Seasons. This could be you in the photograph.

Sarah: Aloha.

Carol: Well, if you change your mind.

Must Love Dogs《征婚廣告》精講之一

Christine: Yeah, I've got a picture too.

Christine's husband: Me too.

Sarah: Is that why you're all here? The whole family? Everyone has a picture for me?

Bill(Sarah's father): This is an intervention, Sarah.

Christine's husband: This guy is great.

Bill: A beautiful girl like you can't just give up. There's life after divorce, you know.

Sarah: You were married to the same woman for 45 years, Dad. What do you know about divorce?

Bill: Precious little, I admit. Oh, the black specter of two lives torn asunder.

Sarah: Not helping, Dad.

Bill: I wish your mother were here, God rest her soul. She'd know what to say.

Carol: "Put on another pot of tea." That's what she'd say. The Irish answer to all problems.

Bill: Well, it worked most of the time.

Sarah: Who is this?

Sarah's brother: I have no idea, but if you're interested, I'll Google him.

Christine's husband: Is this it for food in this house, like, eight crackers? And what are these? Are these bananas?

Sarah: I think they were at one time.

Christine's husband: I'll take one.

Sarah: I guess I forgot to shop this month.

Christine: What are you gonna do, sis? I mean, really, it's been eight months.

Sarah: Dad's giving-up idea sounds intriguing. I could become the crazy aunt who moves in down in the basement. Put a cot in for me, some herbal teas. I'd like to get a dog, if that's okay?

Carol: Marc, don't you have a friend for Sarah?

Sarah: "A Friend for Sarah." I'm now an episode of Little House on the Prairie.

Carol: Come on, you must know somebody.

Marc: Not really. But if you want to have an affair, I do know a couple of married guys.

Sarah: We'll let that be our fallback, okay?

Marc: Okay.

Sarah's brother: An affair, that's a terrific idea.

Sarah: My husband to the rescue.

Sarah's brother: Don't cover mine.

Sarah: I think affairs should go on the other side. Yeah.


Charlie: Hey, Jake.

Jake: Hey, Charlie.

Charlie: Divorce is final. You're a free man. Hoohoo!

Jake: I don't know if “Hoohoo” is the appropriate sentiment. Four years...woman I really loved, I got my ass kicked.

Charlie: High-five.

Jake: Not that kind of moment either.

Charlie: Down low?

Jake: Just because I want this to stop.

Charlie: You are officially, by the way, the worst client I've ever had.

Jake: Thank you.

Charlie: Let Lisa have everything. She wanted it. Even the judge wanted you to keep those boxing gloves. Oh, you know, she really liked you.

Jake: I liked her too, as far as judges go.

Charlie: No. I mean, really.

Jake: Wow, that's a good-looking cougar. Excellent stuff. You think she'd like to buy a handmade, stainable teak boat?

Charlie: Maybe if it came with private lessons.

Jake: Everybody wants all that Tupperware...those computer-designed, fiberglass-composite things. I mean, don't even look like boats.

Charlie: They look like boats when they go whizzing by your wooden guy.

Jake: That was one race, and I've made some adjustments, Charlie. Wood boats can win, you trust me on that.

Charlie: They can't win. That's why people don't want them.

Jake: All right. They can't win, but they lose beautifully. And the whole experience is just better. Look at this. With my own hands I'm making these boats the exact same way the Spanish and the Portuguese made their ships of exploration. There's a continuity at stake here, Charlie. This is more than a boat. This is a time machine.

Charlie: If you paid this much attention to Lisa, you might still be together.

Jake: This is true. But you know what? If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. Lisa taught me about sadness...about human frailty...and how unbearably fleeting happiness can be. I'm gonna owe her for the rest of my life.

Charlie: Oh, you'll be paying. Monthly.


Michael: Hope you don't mind that I brought Mother Teresa.

Sarah: Are you kidding? I love this girl. Mother Teresa, do you have a friend for me? Hey, is everything all right at home?

Michael: Yeah, Jennifer just gets tired of all the family gatherings. Too many old stories. It makes her feel left out.

Sarah: Yeah. Kevin used to say that.

Marc: I still say it.

Christine's husband: I say it too.

Michael: It seems hard now, Sarah, I know...but you get a chance to make a whole new life for yourself.

Sarah: Thank you, Michael, but in the marketplace of available women...

Michael: Any guy would be lucky to get you. You're smart, you're funny...even kind of pretty when you're not wallowing in self-pity.

Sarah: Am I wallowing? Really?

Michael: You're not the wallower in the family. Carol is the wallower.

Carol: Me? I never wallow. I suffer in silence.

Michael: No, that's Christine.

Christine: Thank you, Michael.

Michael: No, no.

Sarah: Sylvia Plath. This is why people...don't have large families anymore.

Michael: Bye. I love you.

Marc: Bye, Bill.

Sarah: Love you, Carol.

Christine: Bye, sister.

Sarah: Thank you, I think.

Christine: Bye, Dad.

Bill: Bye, Chris. Bye.

Sarah's brother: See you later, Dad.

Carol: Bye, Daddy.

Marc: Bye.

Bill: There's someone special waiting for you, Sarah. I know it. Someone worthy. Kevin was not, on his best day...good enough for you, sweetheart.

Sarah: Now you tell me. Why not?


Charlie: You know I love you and I love Lisa, but I think you're both better off.

Jake: We sure weren't making each other happy there at the end. Or the beginning. Or the middle.

Charlie: I mean, don't get me wrong, we all wanted to sleep with Lisa, but marriage...

Jake: That's not right.

Charlie: I said that out loud, didn't I?

Jake: You did.

Charlie: I better strike that from the record. No, seriously, lawyers get to do that. I'm instructing you to disregard that now.

Jake: I think women have the whole thing planned. Really, the whole thing. An epic narrative in their heads. You know my theory about this? When you meet, they have the whole story written. But you don't get to read it. But if you go off script...right? They write you out of the story. I went off script. I got written out of Act 3.

Charlie: Now you're in Act 4, where I get you banged every night of the week.

Jake: Charlie, I'm toast. I just got shredded. I am... It's time, healing time. I'm on the bench.

Charlie: Hey. Hey.

Jake: I'm out of the game.

Charlie: Hey.

Jake: Bench me, bench me.

Charlie: Hey.

Jake: Benched.

妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用

1. go to the trouble of doing something: 不辭勞苦做某事,費心費力做某事。

2. Four Seasons: 夏威夷的四季度假酒店,是豪華度假酒店??_爾這句話的意思是照片上的男人很有錢。

3. Aloha: (夏威夷人的招呼語)你好,歡迎;珍重,再見。

4. specter: 陰霾。

5. torn asunder: 撕扯得支離破碎。

6. cracker: (淡或咸的)薄脆餅干。

7. intriguing: 有趣的,吸引人的。

8. cot: 帆布床;吊床。

9.herbal tea: 花果茶。

10. fallback: 備胎。

11.High-five: 雙手高舉擊掌。

12. cougar: 35歲以上的熟女,有時特指那些愛和比自己小很多的年輕男子約會的女人。

13. teak: 柚木。

14.whizzing: 颼颼地。

15. continuity: 延續(xù)性。

16. at stake: 存亡攸關(guān),危若累卵。請看例句:My honor is at stake, so I cannot let the matter rest.(這危及我的名譽,所以我不能不管。)

17.fleeting: 飛逝,轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝。例如:We only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.(一整天我們只看到太陽露了一下臉。)

18.left out: 被忽略。

19. wallow: 沉溺于,沉迷于。例如:Wallowing in self-pity does not help.(自怨自憐于事無補。)

20. wallower: 自怨自憐的人。

21. you're both better off: 你們兩人這樣(離了婚)更好。

22. I'm toast: 我完蛋了。

23. on the bench: 坐冷板凳,這里指不入情場。

24. out of the game: 出局,退出(愛情)游戲。



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