Cycling in London 在倫敦騎車
The script of this programme 本節(jié)目臺詞
John: That is the noise of my bicycle. I'm John and I cycle through London every day to work. I also cycle in London just for pleasure! What about you Carol?
Carol: Never, no way, it's too dangerous and there's far too much traffic. 看來,John 是想說服我在倫敦騎自行車。
John: So you think it's too dangerous?
Carol: Yes! 我覺得在倫敦騎車太危險(xiǎn)。
John: Too much traffic?
A cycle lane in London
Carol: 沒錯(cuò),車太多。
John: Well in today’s On the Town we're going to put your mind at rest about cycling in central London.
Carol: 讓你放心 put your mind at rest. Ok then, so how will you put my mind at rest about cycling in London?
John: Well first of all there are some cycle lanes you can use.
Carol: 你可以使用自行車道 cycle lanes. 所謂自行車道就是特別為自行車行使劃分出的道路區(qū)域。
John: And there are quiet routes throughout London where you can share your road space with cars. There's less traffic on the quiet routes. Let's hear from someone else who regularly cycles in central London. Richard Gifford spoke to the BBC in its Videonation web TV series. How did Richard become a cycling enthusiast?
Cycling is something that I've always done. I was brought up in Norfolk, which is very flat, and when you are a schoolboy, in the school holidays in Norfolk, you want to get around the place and cycling is the obvious way of doing it.
Richard Gifford, cycling enthusiast
Carol: Richard says cycling is something that he's always done. Richard 騎車已經(jīng)有很多年了。
John: Richard was brought up in the county of Norfolk; that's a large flat area in the east of the UK.
Carol: Perfect for cycling.
John: But Richard stopped cycling for a number of years before starting again as an adult.
Carol: Why did he start again then John?
John: Listen to this.
When we had the Tube strike, that was it, the old bicycle came out of the garage, got dusted down and oiled a bit, and got it out on the road.
Richard Gifford
John: Now that's a very common experience. People often start to cycle in London because of Tube strikes, or because they don't like to use the Tube or bus to travel around the city.
Carol: Richard 的意思是說,要是遇上倫敦地鐵罷工停運(yùn) a Tube strike, 他就會把自行車從車庫里取出來,he got his bicycle out of the garage, 然后騎車外出 he got it out on the road.
John: So we can say that a crisis got Richard cycling again.
Carol: A crisis在遇到突發(fā)事件時(shí),Richard 就不得不騎車外出。比如,當(dāng)?shù)罔F罷工停運(yùn),沒有火車能送他去上班時(shí),騎自行車上班就成了他唯一的選擇。
John: And he's cycled to work every day ever since.
Carol: Good for him!
John: This is BBC Learning English and today we're On the Town, cycling through London.
Carol: Richard Gifford is a keen London cyclist. 他喜歡騎車。他喜歡 he's keen.
John: Richard uses cycle lanes...
Carol: 自行車道。
John: and quiet routes…
Carol: 車輛較少的線路。
John: to cycle to work. But he uses another type of route to get to work as well.
Carol: What's it called?
John: The canal path.
Carol: 就是沿運(yùn)河修建的小路。倫敦的東西南北都有運(yùn)河穿過,不僅如此,人們還沿著運(yùn)河邊修建了道路。
John: These routes are perfect for London cycling, and Richard knows some of the history behind them.
The Victorians provided for us. They left for us a marvellous legacy of course of canals, and a canal has untold advantages over any other kind of cycle route, because it's direct and it goes right into the heart of the city pretty well.
Richard Gifford
John: Some good reasons as to why cycling alongside a canal is an excellent option for cyclists and it was the Victorians who built the canals.
Carol: 原來這些運(yùn)河是由維多利亞時(shí)期的人們建造的 the Victorians.
John: Yes, they left behind a marvellous legacy.
Carol: Meaning that what the Victorians built was of great benefit to the people of London generations later. 他們給后人留下了一筆寶貴的遺產(chǎn)。
John: Well I'm off to cycle around London for a while, then I'm going home.
Carol: Take care.
John: Bye!