Dogs dressed in clothing look on during a purification ceremony in Tokyo. Photo: Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/GETTY
Five hundred pets and their owners visited the Ichigaya Kamegaoka-Hachiman shrine in Tokyo to celebrate new year and to pray for the animals' health and happiness. The pets received a special blessing during a purification ceremony.
五百只寵物狗的主人們帶著他們的愛犬前來東京的 Ichigaya Kamegaoka-Hachiman(市谷龜岡八幡宮)來慶祝新年并為自己寵物的健康和幸福祈禱。所有寵物都在神廟舉辦的凈身儀式上得到賜福。
形容一個人穿著打扮像狗餐 'dressed like a dog's dinner', 意思就是此人穿得花里胡哨不得體,過于耀眼。有明顯的負面意思,要注意!
The dress code was smart/casual, but Linda came wearing a full-length ball gown! She was dressed like a dog's dinner!
My mum really embarrasses me, she's always dresses like a dog's dinner, even when we're just going to the shops!
Look at that guy over there! He's wearing a tuxedo in this old pub. He's dressed like a dog's dinner!
表達同樣意思的婉轉(zhuǎn)詞語是 overdressed 過分打扮。
That crystal-encrusted dress is very beautiful, but I think you may be a little overdressed for an afternoon at the football.