Transport 交通詞匯
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1 : Where do you find taxis waiting in a queue in London? (if you are lucky!) |
The possible answers were:
taxi rank
taxi stand
taxi stop
taxi station
You said:
taxi rank
taxi stand
taxi stop
taxi station
選答正確。Taxi rank 是英式英語“出租車車站”的意思。
Taxi stand 是美式英語 “出租車車站”的意思。
答案不對。Taxi stop is not correct.
選答不對。Taxi station is not correct.
2 : What is the underground train system called in New York City? |
The possible answers were:
The Metro
The Underground
The Subway
The Tube
You said:
The Metro
The Underground
The Subway
The Tube
The Underground 倫敦地鐵 is the name for the transport system in London.
選答正確。If you want to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan, you could take the Subway - 紐約的地鐵。
The Tube is the informal name for the Underground in London, 倫敦地鐵的通俗稱呼。
Metro is the name for many underground train services around the world, but not in NYC. 雖然世界很多城市都使用這個稱呼,但是紐約的地鐵另有叫法。
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3 : The 11:19 Express to London Victoria is now standing at __________ 4. |
The possible answers were:
You said:
A quay (碼頭)is found in a marina or port.
The track (路軌) is the actual lines which the train runs on (in British English).
A stand (美式英語表示出租車車站)is the US word for a place where taxis wait.
回答正確。The platform is where you get on and off a train. 漢語里是站臺。
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4 : I hate travelling in the __________ when everyone is going to work; you can't even get a seat most days! |
The possible answers were:
busy hour
rush hour
hurry hour
crowded hour
You said:
busy hour
rush hour
hurry hour
crowded hour
Busy hour is not correct.
The busy travelling time in the morning & evening is called rush hour, 上下班高峰時段。
Hurry hour is not correct. 英語中沒有這種說法。
Crowded hour is not correct. 英語中沒有這種說法。
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5 : Have you seen the paper today? Train ________ are going up again, and they're so expensive as it is! |
The possible answers were:
You said:
The cost of tickets goes up, but the tickets don't go up.
Prices (泛指價格)is a general word, which word do we use for buses or trains? 火車和汽車票票價另有一詞。
Train fares (火車票票價) is correct, you can use it to talk about buses or trains.
You pay fees(學費) to a school for private education.
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6 : A pilot flies a plane, a captain sails a ship, but what does a cabby drive? |
The possible answers were:
a train
a bus
a taxi
you crazy!
You said:
a train
a bus
a taxi
you crazy!
Wrong. A train is driven by a train driver 火車司機。
Wrong. A bus is driven by a bus driver 巴士司機。
很好。A taxi (or cab) 出租車 is driven by a cabby 出租車司機。
Taxi drivers do sometimes drive you crazy with their non-stop talk, but which form of transport do they drive? 他們開什么車?
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