[ 2009-02-06 16:53 ]

英國女演員凱特溫斯萊特因為在The Reader一片中的精彩表演,周日在美國洛杉磯舉行的金球獎儀式中,獲得最佳女配角的殊榮。溫斯萊特在片中扮演一位納粹的獄卒。對于獲獎,她自稱“非常意外”,因為此前她總是“與獲獎無緣”。
同時在金球獎的評選中獲得獎項的英國演員還有Sally Hawkins和Tom Wilkinson,前者獲得了喜劇單元的最佳女主角獎,后者因為在HBO戲劇季中扮演本杰明富蘭克林而獲得了電視短劇的最佳男配角獎。
英國導(dǎo)演Danny Boyle獲得了最佳導(dǎo)演的提名,英國的劇作家在最佳劇本獎中占劇了五分之三的提名,這些成績都顯示了英國電影工業(yè)的成果。

Kate Winslet has been named best supporting actress at the Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles.
The star - who won the award for her role as a Nazi prison guard in The Reader - said she was "shocked" as she had "a habit of not winning things".
Sally Hawkins and Tom Wilkinson are among the other British recipients of honours at the ceremony. Hawkins has been named best actress in a comedy for her role as an optimistic schoolteacher in Mike Leigh's film Happy-Go-Lucky. Wilkinson, meanwhile, was named best supporting actor in a miniseries for his role as Benjamin Franklin in HBO period drama John Adams.
The Globes are often regarded as an indicator of the movies and actors who will go on to win honours at the Academy Awards on 22 February.
Danny Boyle is one of three British film-makers to be nominated for best director. British writers, meanwhile, make up three of the five best screenplay nominees.