[ 2009-04-23 14:24 ]

令人期待已久的丹布朗的新書,即《達芬奇密碼》的續(xù)集,將由藍(lán)登書屋今年9月15日出版,新書名為《The Lost Symbol》,書中的主人公仍是蘭登教授。丹布朗花費了五年時間才完成這部新作,小說的故事集中在12小時的時段內(nèi),繼承了《達芬奇密碼》緊張懸疑的風(fēng)格。丹布朗自己表示,寫作這本書的過程“奇異又美妙”。
Record printing for 'Da Vinci Code' sequel
Dan Brown's new novel, The Lost Symbol, the eagerly awaited follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, is to have a first print run of 6.5 million copies, the largest ever first print in the history of the publishers, Random House. The book is due out on 15 September. It will feature the same protagonist, Robert Langdon, from Brown's bestselling thriller, The Da Vinci Code, it was revealed yesterday. Brown has spent five years researching his latest novel in which the action takes place over a 12-hour period. Brown, pictured, said it had been a "strange and wonderful journey" to write the book. The Da Vinci Code's UK paperback edition, published in March 2004, spent more than two years in the Sunday Times Top 10 bestseller list. The novel has been translated into 51 languages. The bookstore, Waterstones, yesterday predicted that this sequel would be "2009's biggest book".
(Source: Independent,英國使館文化教育處提供)