時間:2012年4月26日 至5月22日
4月26日至5月22日,英國大使館文化教育處“藝述英國”項目將“Re-rite你就是樂隊” 體驗交響樂多媒體互動展首次引進(jìn)中國,落地天津,將在天津大劇院多功能廳舉行近一個月的展覽。
你就是樂隊互動展的標(biāo)題“Re-rite”是指“重新演繹《春之祭(Rite of Spring)》”。在展覽現(xiàn)場,場館四壁安裝多個大屏幕,滾動播放英國愛樂樂團(tuán)演奏作曲家斯特拉文斯基的作品《春之祭》的影片。這部影片并不是單純的紀(jì)錄片,而是一部極富趣味性的互動電影。它由29個獨(dú)立的攝像機(jī)多角度進(jìn)行拍攝,并在樂隊的每一個聲部都放置麥克風(fēng),從而產(chǎn)生極佳的視聽效果,這些充滿傳奇色彩的視頻投射及音響環(huán)繞讓你置身樂器之中,聽音樂家所聽。
RE-RITE - Be the Orchestra
Time: 26 April to 22 May 2012
Venue: Tianjin Grand Theatre
Re-rite breaks down the barrier between audience and concert platform, allowing new and existing audiences to experience classical music in a unique environment. The project is an immersive/interactive installation featuring a film of the orchestra playing Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.
Get in amongst the orchestra
Filmed on 29 separate cameras with microphones in each section of the orchestra, larger-than-life video projections and sound throughout the installation allow viewers to focus on a particular group of instruments and hear what the performers hear.
Special features include conductor and player commentary and a percussion room where an instructional video teaches visitors how to play along. There is a music score in each section for you to follow, and viewers are encouraged to bring their own instruments and have a go at playing along. Re-rite lets you be the orchestra. What’s more, it’s free of charge, so there really are no barriers.
Re-rite awards
Re-rite first opened in London in November 2009 and travelled to Leicester in April 2010. In May 2010, it won two prestigious Royal Philharmonic Society Awards for ‘Creative Communication’ and ‘Audience Development’, with a jury describing the project as, ‘A simple idea, beautifully realised.’
(來源:英國使館文化教育處, 編輯:Helen)