1.人類進(jìn)化缺失一環(huán) 連接人類與狐猴 "Missing Link" Found: Fossil Connects Humans, Lemurs?
The 47-million-year-old, exceptionally preserved primate fossil "Ida," unveiled on May 20, was hailed by some as a major discovery in human evolution.
The publicity frenzy made National Geographic News's brief coverage our most viewed page of the year—and inspired a backlash as some experts, including one here at Nat Geo HQ, suggested Ida was more media event than milestone.
2.長著透明頭的魚 Fish With Transparent Head Seen Alive for First Time
Perhaps the most bizarre nature discovery of the year—though Stephen Colbert put it a bit less delicately—a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its transparent head and barrel-like eyes in pictures released on February of the first specimen ever found alive.
3.新云型 New Cloud Type Discovered?
Nicknamed "Jacques Cousteau" clouds, these "turbulent" seas in the sky could be examples of the first official new cloud type since 1951, experts said in June.
4.已“滅絕”鳥類 "Extinct" Bird Seen, Eaten
Long believed to be extinct, a rare quail from the Philippines was photographed for the first time ever—then sold at a poultry market, experts said in February.
5.最古老人類祖先骨骼化石 Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found
There was never a chimp-like missing link between humans and today's apes, according to an October fossil-skeleton study that could rewrite human evolutionary history. Said one scientist, "It changes everything."