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谷歌發(fā)布智能手機NexusOne  iPhone終遇對手
[ 2010-01-08 15:17 ]

谷歌自創(chuàng)品牌Nexus One手機終于揭開面紗。谷歌驕傲地稱之為超級手機superphone。谷歌近日在硅谷山景城總部舉行發(fā)布會。從原來所稱智能手機smartphone到超級手機superphone,雖一字之差,谷歌卻巧妙將精心打造的第一部手機與眼下最熱賣的智能手機蘋果iPhone有意區(qū)別開來。

僅從外表看,Nexus One與iPhone頗為相似,同樣沿襲了觸摸屏操作方式,但前者稍顯苗條輕盈。Nexus One厚度11.5毫米,與一支鉛筆相仿,iPhone厚度12.3毫米。裝上電池后Nexus One重量130克,比一把瑞士軍用小型折疊廚刀還輕,iPhone略重五克。

作為送給員工的圣誕節(jié)禮物,Nexus One在三周前就已經(jīng)在谷歌內(nèi)部測試。使用過黑莓和第一代AndroidG1手機的一位工程師告訴記者,與其它智能手機相比,Nexus One使用最新的Android 2.1操作系統(tǒng),界面更漂亮,顯示屏分辨率更高,上網(wǎng)速度更快,搜索反應(yīng)更快?!昂喼本褪且徊侩S身攜帶的Notebook?!?/p>

谷歌發(fā)布智能手機NexusOne  iPhone終遇對手

Google on Tuesday officially unveiled its own smart phone, which represents the Internet search giant's strongest challenge against Apple's popular iPhone.

Dubbed Nexus One, the new handset is an exemplar of what's possible with mobile phones on Google's Android operating system, Google executives said at a press conference held at the company's headquarters in Mountain View, the U.S. state of California.

Mario Queiroz, Google's vice president of product management, said Nexus One belongs in the emerging class of devices which the company calls "super phones."

Manufactured by HTC Corp., Nexus One features a 3.7-inch OLED display, a 5-megapixel camera and delivers speed up to 1 GHz.

谷歌發(fā)布智能手機NexusOne  iPhone終遇對手

The handset runs on Android 2.1, the latest version of Google's mobile operating system that includes innovations such as a voice-enabled keyboard.

Google noted that Nexus One is the first phone to be sold directly to consumers through its new web store, touted by the company as a new model for consumers to buy a mobile phone.

Through the web store hosted by Google, consumers can buy Nexus One without service or purchase the phone with service from one of Google's operator partners.

Nexus One is initially available from the Google web store in the United States without service for 529 U.S. dollars or starting at 179 dollars with a two-year contract from T-Mobile USA, Google said.

It added that Verizon Wireless in the United States and Vodafone in Europe plan to offer services to customers in their respective geographies in the near future.

"In the coming months Google plans on partnering with additional operators, offering consumers access to a broad set of service plans. In the future we expect to launch more phones with Android handset partners and to expand the web store to more countries," the company said in a statement.


智能手機 smartphone

互聯(lián)網(wǎng)十大影響力事件 iPhone、奧巴馬上榜

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iPhone 3G 版手機獲評“年度最佳產(chǎn)品”

(來源:愛詞霸沙龍 編輯:Julie)

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