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[ 2011-07-04 10:56 ]


Giving out a Happy Meal with marijuana in the box


An 8-year old girl found three items in her Happy Meal after going to an Illinois McDonald's drive thru in 2007: a lighter, a pipe and a bag of marijuana.

17-year-old offender Brandon Scott was fired immediately, arrested and charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Letting an NFL star use the bathroom after hours


Tiffany Langeslay broke the rules for Minnesota Vikings star, running back Adrian Peterson when she allowed him to use the restroom after-hours. When she showed up for her next shift a few days later, her boss told her she was fired.

McDonald's promptly offered to give Langeslay the job back once the local media contacted them about it. She accepted.

Pissing off a bunch of UPenn students, who started a Facebook boycott campaign


University of Pennsylvania students made a Facebook group called "Boycott McDonald's" after an incident regarding the use of a bathroom in a store. The students alleged that the manager told a cashier to take her time fixing a problem with the register after a student was told he couldn't use the bathroom without ordering food. They also alleged verbal abuse and threats by a security guard.

The store's general manager Anthony Hill apologized directly to the aggrieved students and terminated the employees involved.

Giving an extra slice of cheese to a friend


A McDonald's worker in the Netherlands got canned for giving "free gifts" to a colleague on break -- in the form of one slice of cheese on a hamburger. McDonald's said that this made it a cheeseburger, so the she should've charged more for the meal.

The fired employee took her case to court and ultimately won €4,500 in compensation.

Reporting dangerous food to the authorities


Cindy Jones worked at a Michigan McDonald's for seven years before blowing the whistle on the store. She claims in a lawsuit to have sent anonymous messages to the Health Department about food being stored at dangerous temperatures, and that someone played one of the messages for her boss, who promptly fired her.

Health Department officials confirmed in an investigation that the food was indeed being stored at 56 degrees, 15 degrees above the allowed temperature.

Putting dog biscuits in someone's french fries



Westfield State University students allegedly had dog biscuits put in their fries at a Massachusetts McDonald's. When they complained about it, they were banned from the store.

The students took to the Internet to vent their outrage and attracted the attention of WSU, who contacted franchise owner Dan Ashburn. He met with the students and formally apologized.

One employee was terminated shortly after, and the manager was suspended.

Pulling a gun on a robber


An armed woman robbed employee Clifton Brown's friend on Christmas Eve as they were closing up the store. After clearing the cash register, she made a run for it, and Brown pulled his gun on her and fired a couple shots that missed.

Brown was fired because although Indiana has a concealed carry law and he has a license with all the updated paperwork, McDonald's has a no-gun policy for its employees.

Refusing to hire a transgender teenager


The manager of a Florida McDonald's was accused of hiring discrimination by 17-year old Zikerria Bellamy, a transgender woman. Here's the message that the manager left on Bellamy's voicemail after the interview, according to Local 6 News in Orlando:

"You will not get hired. We do not hire (expletive). You lied to me. You told me you were a woman."

McDonald's fired the manager in the scandal's aftermath.

Speaking Arabic in an Israeli McDonald's


20-year-old employee Abeer Zinaty reportedly broke a ban on speaking Arabic while working at a McDonald's in Israel back in 2004. She was fired by her regional manager, who is also an Arab.

Though initially disputed by headquarters, the company acknowledged that workers are required to speak Hebrew while on duty in order to serve their customers appropriately.

Videotaping a vicious beating that went viral


Franchise owner Mitchell McPherson fired a worker who videotaped the beating of a transgender woman by two other women inside a Maryland McDonald's. The video went up on YouTube and racked up the views when it was featured on the Drudge Report.

Only one employee got involved in stopping the fight. Everyone else -- including of course the worker videotaping -- stood idly by.

Getting hired for the sole purpose of getting fired


"Kyle G" attempted to get fired from a fast food restaurant as fast as possible by being as absurd as possible in the workplace for a column in Vice.

He says he lied about his work experience, greeted customers with ridiculous voices, invented a new "McNificent" sandwich (a Big Mac with fish, chicken and beef in it) and enraged his assistant manager to the point of screaming.

It worked. He was fired in 53 minutes and 12 seconds.    


美國(guó)人最討厭的15家企業(yè) 豐田、麥當(dāng)勞上榜

McDonald's Degree 麥當(dāng)勞學(xué)位


美電視廣告反快餐 直指麥當(dāng)勞

(來(lái)源:businessinsider.com 編輯:崔旭燕)

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