Ground zero: 世貿(mào)大廈遺址
[ 2006-09-12 13:00 ]
值此9·11五周年紀念之際,“Ground zero”再度成為新聞媒體的熱門詞匯??赐怆姷南嚓P(guān)報道,為什么“悼念罹難者的地方”常用ground zero來指代?
Mourners pay their respects beside a reflecting pool atGround Zeroon the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2006. [Reuters]
Ground zero原指“常規(guī)導(dǎo)彈瞄準的目標、核設(shè)備的爆炸點”,當然,一旦這個“點”被擊中,“點”則就延伸為“廢墟”了。由此,美國9·11事件后,ground zero常用來指代被恐怖分子襲擊后的“世貿(mào)大廈遺址”。
看下面一個例句:As at the commemorations at Ground Zero, family members read the names of the dead in a solemn ceremony against a sound track of somber and patriotic music. (在世貿(mào)大廈遺址舉行的紀念活動上,罹難者家屬在低沉的愛國主義樂曲中念著遇難親友的名字。)