[ 2006-12-31 11:11 ]

2007年元旦,豪門艷女帕里斯·希爾頓將在澳洲辭舊迎新,為其代言的Bondi Blonde啤酒做宣傳。舉手投足均相當(dāng)值錢的她,一時間成了澳洲媒體熱門。至于收到的新年前夕邀請函更是不計其數(shù),酒吧、賓館、夜總會、服裝設(shè)計師,紛紛向這位派對“壞女孩”伸出橄欖枝,出錢邀她登門用餐、玩派對。
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Professional celebrity Paris Hilton, who arrived in Sydney yesterday morning to promote a new brand of beer, has been rifling through dozens of News Year's Eve invitations.
Hilton's Sydney contacts have already taken receipt of "more than a dozen" invites to exclusivebashes, plus numerous requests from hoteliers, nightclub owners, restaurateurs and fashion designers, all begging her to be seen at their venues or don their clobber.
Advertisingguruand low-carb beer king Jack Singleton, son of the other ad guru, John, has brought Paris to Sydney to promote Bondi Blonde, a new beer.
Hilton will pick a new "face" for the beer's ad campaign at a function at the Bondi Icebergs next Monday.
As part of the preliminary selection process, blonde ladies who fancy their chances as a beer model and possible Parissidekickwere encouraged to attend auditions at the Hilton Hotel today.
Forty finalists will be invited to attend the function with Paris on Monday.