[ 2007-01-22 14:34 ]
請看中國日報相關(guān)報道:The public toilets in the subway stations across Beijing would be receivingface-lifts.
Beijing has decided to spend 6 million yuan ($750,000) on renovating the toilets in its subway stations this year. Sixty-four public toilets at stations across the city's two main subway lines will be upgraded to meet the same standards as the bathrooms at quality hotels.
看下面兩個例句:The school's face-lift astonished students.(學(xué)校外貌煥然一新,學(xué)生們大為驚訝。)
The automobile factory will face-lift most of its lines.(這家汽車廠多數(shù)產(chǎn)品的外型都要更新。)