[ 2007-05-10 08:50 ]
President George W. Bush, no stranger to the occasionalverbal misstep, nearly placed Queen Elizabeth II in the 18th century on Monday in welcoming her to the White House on a state visit.
顯然,報道中的“verbal misstep”指的就是“口誤”?!癕isstep”"在此指“失誤、錯誤”,其近義詞還有很多,如slip、gaffe、blunder,因此,“verbal slip/verbal gaffe/verbal blunder”均可表示“口誤”。此外,在特定語境下,“verbal”也可省去。
外電報道中,“faux pas”也可用來指代“口誤”?!癋aux pas”源于法語,常用來形容“(社交場合下)言語或行為不得體”?!癋aux”意為“false”,“pas”則表示“step”。
最后,動詞“犯口誤/說錯話”可表達為:to stumble on a line/word?!癝tumble”在此表示“犯錯誤/過失”,“l(fā)ine”則更側重指“事先準備好的演講/臺詞”,比如,春晚主持人除夕夜“出現(xiàn)口誤”就可這么形容。
看例句:The president stumbled on a line during his speech at the state arrival ceremony for the queen.