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Britain Thursday released 35 previously classified files documenting sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by the military and members of the public dating back to the 1950s.(guardian.co.uk) |
Britain Thursday released 35 previously classified files documenting sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by the military and members of the public dating back to the 1950s. The files contain around 8,500 pages which mainly cover the period from 1997 to 2005 and include photographs, drawings and descriptions of flying saucer sightings, as well as letters the Ministry of Defense (MoD) sent eyewitnesses in response to their accounts. Policemen, a soldier, a Royal Air Force (RAF) officer and members of the public report sightings of objects including a "chewy mint shaped solid craft" and aerial objects resembling a "ring," a "jellyfish" and a "silver voile spin top." In one account a man said he believed he had been "abducted" by aliens in October 1998 after seeing an unidentified craft hover over his London home and finding he had gained an hour of time in the process. "It was a large cigar-shaped vehicle with big projectiles on each side like wings," he told the MoD. "It seemed to have two very bright lights at the front and a white light flashing round and round underneath... As you can imagine, I felt quite shaken." The MoD wrote to the man informing him that the object was probably an airship, adding that the time he had gained was probably the result of the clocks being put back one hour on the night of his close encounter. Another file released by the National Archives reveals how the RAF was inundated with calls one morning in 1967 after residents of southern England awoke to find six small beeping UFOs lying in a perfect line from the Isle of Sheppey to the Bristol Channel. A bomb disposal unit blew up one of the UFOs, another was airlifted to the southeastern village of Aldermaston and both the army and the MoD's intelligence unit were mobilised for what was considered a real "alien invasion." It was later discovered that engineering students at Farnborough Technical College had constructed and positioned the UFOs in a bid to raise money for charity. "It does raise some questions about what really would happen if at any time in the future there was some kind of instant -- would we be prepared?" said David Clarke, author of "The UFO Files" and consultant to the National Archives' UFO project. The files are available to download free of charge for one month at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)
英國于本周四解密了35份軍方和民眾提供的有關不明飛行物(UFO)見聞的絕密檔案,這些見聞最早可追溯至上世紀50年代。 此次解密的檔案有近8500頁,主要來自1997年至2005年,包括UFO相關照片、圖畫、飛碟文字描述、以及英國國防部對目擊者的答復信件。 目擊者包括警察、士兵、空軍軍官、以及普通民眾。有人聲稱見到“薄荷糖形狀的堅實飛行器”,還有人稱發(fā)現(xiàn)“指環(huán)”、“水母”狀不明飛行物,頂部還有“銀紗”回旋。 在某起事件中,一名英國男子稱,他曾在1998年10月看到一架不明飛行物在他倫敦家中上空盤旋,隨后便遭外星人“綁架”,事后發(fā)現(xiàn)自己“又回到一個小時前”。 他告訴英國國防部:“那是一個巨型雪茄形狀的飛船,兩邊各有一個機翼狀推進器?!?/p> “飛碟前端好像發(fā)出兩道亮光,一道白光圍繞底部閃個不停。你可以想象一下,我都嚇呆了?!?/p> 國防部給這名男子回信稱,他看到的可能是一艘飛艇,至于為何時間停滯,可能是在他遭遇UFO當晚手表慢了一小時。 英國國家檔案管解密的另一份資料寫道,1967年某天清晨,英國皇家空軍被電話鈴聲淹沒。英格蘭南部地區(qū)多名居民來電稱看到6架小型UFO。它們發(fā)出蜂鳴聲,排成一列,從謝佩島向布里斯托爾海峽飛去。 拆彈部隊炸毀其中一架UFO,另一架則被空運至東南部奧爾德馬斯頓村。當時英國陸軍和國防部情報部門都做好準備,應對“真正的外星人入侵”。 事后發(fā)現(xiàn),這起惡作劇的幕后黑手居然是范堡羅科技學院的一名工程系學生,他希望籍此為慈善機構募款。 英國國家檔案館UFO項目顧問、《UFO檔案》作者戴維·克拉克說:“這的確反映出一些問題,如果將來某個時刻突然遇到外星人,我們準備好了嗎?” 解密文件在英國國家檔案館網(wǎng)站上可免費下載(www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos),時效為一個月。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 Julie 編輯:馮明惠)
Vocabulary: classified file:保密文件 |